Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Caravans diggy
CaravanscampEG Caravans are now Segmented (different options for each region). You can send your caravans to:

Buy basic materials and cooking ingredients with coins.
Sell coins and (leftover) materials for Experience, helping you to level up faster.
Selling materials costs 1 Mat347 ticket per caravan. Tickets available in sales and in the shop for 35 Mat002.
You get 150% more experience via caravans than Pillars.

General info

Caravan Unlock:
There are maximum 6 Caravan slots available. These unlock when progressing through Egypte and Scandinavia.

Name Region Level Cost Caravanshud
Caravan 1 Region 1 1 50 Mat001
Caravan 2 Region 1 12 500 Mat001
Caravan 3 Region 1 24 1.200 Mat001
Caravan 4 Region 1 36 3.000 Mat001
Caravan 5 Region 1 48 5.000 Mat001
Caravan 6 Region 2 70 10.000 Mat001
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List of Materials you can buy for Coins

Caravan buy diggy
Caravan Normal Weeks Double Production Week
Region Destination Cost Cargo Clock XP XP
Region 1 Lucky chance 30Mat001 20-45Mat001 5min or 5Mat002 32 384 1.07 2 24 64 768 2.13 34 408
Region 1 Funny money 100Mat001 90-150Mat001 2hr or 20Mat002 120 60 1.2 20 10 240 120 2.4 140 70
Region 1 Library 900Mat001 1,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 1,000 83,33 1.11 100 8,33 2000 166,66 2,22 1,100 91,66
Region 2 Library 9,000Mat001 10,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 10,000 833.33 1.11 1,000 83.33 20,000 1,666.67 2.22 11,000 916.67
Region 3 Library 22,500Mat001 25,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 25,000 2,083.33 1.11 2,500 208.33 50,000 4,166.67 2.22 27,500 2,291.67
Region 4 Library 45,000Mat001 50,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 50,000 4,166.67 1.11 5,000 416.67 100,000 8,333.33 2.22 55,000 4,583.33
Region 5 Library 90,000Mat001 100,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 100,000 8,333.33 1.11 10,000 833.33 200,000 16,666.67 2.22 110,000 9,166.67
Region 6 Library 135,000Mat001 150,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 150,000 12,500 1.11 15,000 1,250 300,000 25,000 2.22 165,000 13,750
Region 7 Library 180,000Mat001 200,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 200,000 16,666.67 1.11 20,000 1,666.67 400,000 33,333.33 2.22 220,000 18,333.33
Region 8 Library 180,000Mat001 250,000 X 12hr or 240Mat002 250,000 20,833.33 1.39 70,000 5,833.33
Region 1 Sugar refinery 150Mat001 7Mat030 1hr or 20Mat002 -150 -150 -150 -150
Region 2 Sugar refinery 480Mat001 8Mat030 1hr or 20Mat002 -480 -480 -480 -480
Region 3 Sugar refinery 540Mat001 9Mat030 1hr or 20Mat002 -540 -540 -540 -540
Region 1 Sugar refinery 150Mat001 10Mat030 8hr or 160Mat002 -150 -18.75 -150 -18.75
Region 2 Sugar refinery 330Mat001 11Mat030 8hr or 160Mat002 -330 -41.25 -330 -41.25
Region 3 Sugar refinery 360Mat001 12Mat030 8hr or 160Mat002 -360 -45 -360 -45
Region 4 Sugar refinery 390Mat001 13Mat030 8hr or 160Mat002 -390 -48.75 -390 -48.75
Region 1 Mill 150Mat001 7Mat031 1hr or 20Mat002 -150 -150 -150 -150
Region 2 Mill 480Mat001 8Mat031 1hr or 20Mat002 -480 -480 -480 -480
Region 3 Mill 540Mat001 9Mat031 1hr or 20Mat002 -540 -540 -540 -540
Region 1 Mill 150Mat001 10Mat031 8hr or 160Mat002 -150 -18.75 -150 -18.75
Region 2 Mill 330Mat001 11Mat031 8hr or 160Mat002 -330 -41.25 -330 -41.25
Region 3 Mill 360Mat001 12Mat031 8hr or 160Mat002 -360 -45 -360 -45
Region 4 Mill 390Mat001 13Mat031 8hr or 160Mat002 -390 -48.75 -390 -48.75
Region 1 Quarry 107Mat001 2Mat022 1.5hr or 30Mat002 100 66.67 .93 -7 -4.67 200 133.33 1.87 93 62
Region 2 Quarry 225Mat001 3Mat022 1.5hr or 30Mat002 150 100 .67 -75 -50 300 200 1.33 75 50
Region 3 Quarry 376Mat001 4Mat022 1.5hr or 30Mat002 200 133.33 .53 -176 -117.33 400 266.67 1.06 24 16
Region 4 Quarry 556Mat001 5Mat022 1.5hr or 30Mat002 250 166.67 .45 -306 -204 500 333.33 .9 -56 -37.33
Region 6 Quarry 758Mat001 6Mat022 1.5hr or 30Mat002 300 200 .4 -458 -305.33 600 400 .79 -158 -105.33
Region 1 Quarry 750Mat001 15Mat022 12hr or 240Mat002 750 62.5 1 1,500 125 2 750 62.5
Region 2 Quarry 800Mat001 16Mat022 12hr or 240Mat002 800 66.67 1 1,600 133.33 2 800 66.67
Region 3 Quarry 850Mat001 17Mat022 12hr or 240Mat002 850 70.83 1 1,700 141.67 2 850 70.83
Region 4 Quarry 900Mat001 18Mat022 12hr or 240Mat002 900 75 1 1,800 150 2 900 75
Region 6 Quarry 950Mat001 19Mat022 12hr or 240Mat002 950 79.17 1 1,900 158.33 2 950 79.17
Region 1 Sawmill 64Mat001 2Mat007 1.5hr or 30Mat002 60 40 .94 -4 -2.67 120 80 1.88 56 37.33
Region 2 Sawmill 135Mat001 3Mat007 1.5hr or 30Mat002 90 60 .67 -45 -30 180 120 1.33 45 30
Region 3 Sawmill 226Mat001 4Mat007 1.5hr or 30Mat002 120 80 .53 -106 -70.67 240 160 1.06 14 9.33
Region 4 Sawmill 333Mat001 5Mat007 1.5hr or 30Mat002 150 100 .45 -183 -122 300 200 .9 -33 -22
Region 6 Sawmill 455Mat001 6Mat007 1.5hr or 30Mat002 180 120 .4 -275 -183.33 360 240 .79 -95 -63.33
Region 1 Sawmill 450Mat001 15Mat007 12hr or 240Mat002 450 37.5 1 900 75 2 450 37.5
Region 2 Sawmill 480Mat001 16Mat007 12hr or 240Mat002 480 40 1 960 80 2 480 40
Region 3 Sawmill 510Mat001 17Mat007 12hr or 240Mat002 510 42.5 1 1,020 85 2 510 42.5
Region 4 Sawmill 540Mat001 18Mat007 12hr or 240Mat002 540 45 1 1,080 90 2 540 45
Region 6 Sawmill 570Mat001 19Mat007 12hr or 240Mat002 570 47.5 1 1,140 95 2 570 47.5
Region 1 Mine 270Mat001 3Mat009 2hr or 40Mat002 225 112.5 .83 -45 -22.5 450 225 1.67 180 90
Region 2 Mine 436Mat001 4Mat009 2hr or 40Mat002 300 150 .69 -136 -68 600 300 1.38 164 82
Region 3 Mine 625Mat001 5Mat009 2hr or 40Mat002 375 187.5 .6 -250 -125 750 375 1.2 125 62.5
Region 4 Mine 831Mat001 6Mat009 2hr or 40Mat002 450 225 .54 -381 -190.5 900 450 1.08 69 34.5
Region 1 Mine 750Mat001 10Mat009 8hr or 160Mat002 750 93.75 1 1,500 187.5 2 750 93.75
Region 2 Mine 825Mat001 11Mat009 8hr or 160Mat002 825 103.13 1 1,650 206.25 2 825 103.13
Region 3 Mine 900Mat001 12Mat009 8hr or 160Mat002 900 112.5 1 1,800 225 2 900 112.5
Region 4 Mine 975Mat001 13Mat009 8hr or 160Mat002 975 121.88 1 1,950 243.75 2 975 121.88
Region 1 Garden 60Mat001 1Mat021 8hr or 160Mat002 60 7.5 1 120 15 2 60 7.5
Region 1 Garden 60Mat001 1Mat011 8hr or 160Mat002 60 7.5 1 120 15 2 60 7.5
Region 1 Garden 27Mat001 1Mat029 2hr or 40Mat002 20 10 .74 -7 -3.5 40 20 1.48 13 6.5
Region 1 Garden 60Mat001 3Mat029 8hr or 160Mat002 60 7.5 1 120 15 2 60 7.5
Region 1 Garden 768Mat001 8Mat020 1hr or 20Mat002 160 160 .21 -608 -608 320 320 .42 -448 -448
Region 1 Garden 800Mat001 40Mat020 24hr or 480Mat002 800 33.33 1 1,600 66.67 2 800 33.33
Region 1 Garden 60Mat001 2Mat019 8hr or 160Mat002 60 7.5 1 120 15 2 60 7.5
Region 3 Garden 90Mat001 3Mat019 8hr or 160Mat002 90 11.25 1 180 22.5 2 90 11.25
Region 2 Garden 60Mat001 1Mat181 1hr or 20Mat002 170 170 2.83 110 110 340 340 5.67 280 280
Region 2 Garden 90Mat001 3Mat181 8hr or 160Mat002 510 63.75 5.67 420 52.5 1,020 127.5 11.33 930 116.25
Region 3 Garden 600Mat001 1Mat097 2hr or 40Mat002 500 250 .83 -100 -50 1,000 500 1.67 400 200
Region 3 Garden 2,500Mat001 5Mat097 12hr or 240Mat002 2,500 208.33 1 5,000 416.67 2 2,500 208.33
Region 6 Garden 3,800Mat001 1Mat272 4hr or 80Mat002 2,490 622.5 .66 -1,310 -327.5 4,980 1,245 1.31 1,180 295
Region 6 Garden 5,000Mat001 2Mat272 12hr or 240Mat002 4,980 415 1 -20 -1.67 9,960 830 1.99 4,960 413.33
Region 7 Garden 2,000Mat001 1Mat335 03:00 or 60Mat002 -2,000 -666.67 -2,000 -666.67
Region 7 Garden 4,500Mat001 3Mat335 12hr or 240Mat002 -4,500 -375 -4,500 -375
Region 8 Garden 1,660Mat001 1Mat335 12hr or 240Mat002 error?
Region 7 Garden 4,050Mat001 1Mat334 4hr or 80Mat002 -4,050 -1,012.5 -4,050 -1,012.5
Region 8 Garden 3,800Mat001 1Mat334 4hr or 80Mat002
Region 7 Garden 5,400Mat001 2Mat334 12hr or 240Mat002 -5,400 -450 -5,400 -450
Region 8 Garden 5,000Mat001 2Mat334 12hr or 240Mat002
Region 8 Garden 4,500Mat001 1Mat408 3hr or 60Mat002
Region 8 Garden 2,000Mat001 3Mat408 12hr or 240Mat002
Region 8 Garden 4,050Mat001 1Mat410 4hr or 80Mat002
Region 8 Garden 5,400Mat001 2Mat410 12hr or 240Mat002
Region 3 Plantation 120Mat001 1Mat091 1hr or 20Mat002 80 80 .67 -40 -40 160 160 1.33 40 40
Region 4 Plantation 427Mat001 2Mat091 1hr or 20Mat002 160 160 .37 -267 -267 320 320 .75 -107 -107
Region 3 Plantation 640Mat001 8Mat091 12hr or 240Mat002 640 53.33 1 1,280 106.67 2 640 53.33
Region 4 Plantation 720Mat001 9Mat091 12hr or 240Mat002 720 60 1 1,440 120 2 720 60
Region 5 Plantation 1,660Mat001 1Mat195 12hr or 240Mat002 1,660 138.33 1 3,320 276.67 2 1,660 138.33
Region 5 Plantation 1,000Mat001 1Mat194 03:00 or 60Mat002 750 250 .75 -250 -83.33 1,500 500 1.5 500 166.67
Region 5 Plantation 2,250Mat001 3Mat194 12hr or 240Mat002 2,250 187.5 1 4,500 375 2 2,250 187.5
Region 6 Plantation 1,800Mat001 1Mat271 03:00 or 60Mat002 1,280 426.67 .71 -520 -173.33 2,560 853.33 1.42 760 253.33
Region 6 Plantation 3,900Mat001 3Mat271 12hr or 240Mat002 3,840 320 .98 -60 -5 7,680 640 1.97 3,780 315
Region 1 Dock 260Mat001 1Mat035 12hr or 240Mat002 260 21.67 1 520 43.33 2 260 21.67
Region 2 Dock 900Mat001 1Mat182 12hr or 240Mat002 900 75 1 1,800 150 2 900 75
Region 3 Dock 1,600Mat001 1Mat098 12hr or 240Mat002 1,600 133.33 1 3,200 266.67 2 1,600 133.33
Region 4 Dock 2,800Mat001 1Mat146 12hr or 240Mat002 2,800 233.33 1 5,600 466.67 2 2,800 233.33
Region 4 Dock 1,200Mat001 1Mat144 12hr or 240Mat002 1,200 100 1 2,400 200 2 1,200 100
Region 5 Dock 1,200Mat001 1Mat196 12hr or 240Mat002 5,000 416.67 4.17 3,800 316.67 10,000 833.33 8.33 8,800 733.33
Region 6 Dock 7,100Mat001 1Mat265 12hr or 240Mat002 7,100 591.67 1 14,200 1,183.33 2 7,100 591.67
Region 7 Dock 7,200Mat001 1Mat333 12hr or 240Mat002 -7,200 -600 -7,200 -600
Region 8 Dock 7,200Mat001 1Mat409 12hr or 240Mat002
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List of Materials you can Sell for Xp

Mat347Caravan sell diggy
Preferably done during a Double Production Special Week.
MARKET: trade Materials for XP.
Return: 150% Pillar value. Requires 1Mat347 per caravan. Refresh: 2 hours or 40Mat002
Material Ticket Cost XP Gained XP/unit Pillar Value Region
Mat407 SUPERPALLADIUM 1Mat347 1000 390,000,000 390,000 - Region 8
Mat268 AMAZONIUM 1Mat347 1000 375,000,000 375,000 250,000,000 Region 6
Mat332 SUPERCHROMIUM 1Mat347 1000 360,000,000 360,000 240,000,000 Region 7
Mat398 TOURMALINE 1Mat347 350 126,000,000 360,000 - Region 8
Mat329 BLACK OPAL 1Mat347 350 115,500,000 330,000 77,000,000 Region 7
Mat235 DIAMOND 1Mat347 350 105,000,000 300,000 70,000,000 Region 6
Mat269 ELECTRUM 1Mat347 1000 105,000,000 105,000 70,000,000 Region 6
Mat197 SAPPHIRE 1Mat347 350 94,500,000 270,000 63,000,000 Region 5
Mat199 ADAMANTINE STEEL 1Mat347 1000 82,500,000 82,500 55,000,000 Region 5
Mat143 TOPAZ 1Mat347 350 78,750,000 225,000 52,500,000 Region 4
Mat149 BLACK PEARL 1Mat347 350 63,000,000 180,000 42,000,000 Region 4
Mat092 RUBY 1Mat347 350 52,500,000 150,000 35,000,000 Region 3
Mat148 ORICHALCUM 1Mat347 1000 37,500,000 37,500 25,000,000 Region 4
Mat404 BASALT 1Mat347 4000 31,500,000 7,875 - Region 8
Mat405 XENOWOOD 1Mat347 4000 30,000,000 7,500 - Region 8
Mat328 GNEISS 1Mat347 4000 27,000,000 6,750 18,000,000 Region 7
Mat330 ALDER 1Mat347 4000 26,400,000 6,600 17,600,000 Region 7
Mat266 MAHOGANY 1Mat347 4000 25,200,000 6,300 16,800,000 Region 6
Mat096 DRAGON INGOT 1Mat347 1000 24,750,000 24,750 16,500,000 Region 3
Mat047 AMETHYST 1Mat347 350 21,000,000 60,000 14,000,000 Region 2
Mat406 PALLADIUM ORE 1Mat347 2000 20,400,000 10,200 - Region 8
Mat331 CHROMITE ORE 1Mat347 2000 18,750,000 9,375 12,500,000 Region 7
Mat267 SILVER 1Mat347 2000 18,000,000 9,000 12,000,000 Region 6
Mat193 CEDAR WOOD 1Mat347 4000 17,100,000 4,275 11,400,000 Region 5
Mat198 ADAMANTINE ORE 1Mat347 2000 15,450,000 7,725 10,300,000 Region 5
Mat410 THARSIS FRUIT 1Mat347 2500 12,300,000 4,920 - Region 8
Mat334 SWEET POTATO 1Mat347 3000 11,850,000 3,950 7,900,000 Region 7
Mat408 PROMETHEA 1Mat347 5000 10,950,000 2,190 - Region 8
Mat145 MARBLE 1Mat347 4000 10,800,000 2,700 7,200,000 Region 4
Mat335 MINT 1Mat347 5000 10,500,000 2,100 7,000,000 Region 7
Mat146 RED LOBSTER 1Mat347 2500 10,500,000 4,200 7,000,000 Region 4
Mat147 VOLCANIC ORE 1Mat347 2000 10,500,000 5,250 7,000,000 Region 4
Mat271 CORN 1Mat347 5000 9,600,000 1,920 6,400,000 Region 6
Mat272 CHILLI 1Mat347 2500 9,337,500 3,735 6,225,000 Region 6
Mat144 SEAWEED 1Mat347 5000 9,000,000 1,800 6,000,000 Region 4
Mat409 COSMIC CARP 1Mat347 500 6,300,000 12,600 - Region 8
Mat095 ANCIENT SCRAP METAL 1Mat347 2000 6,300,000 3,150 4,200,000 Region 3
Mat195 LEMON 1Mat347 2500 6,225,000 2,490 4,150,000 Region 5
Mat333 BIG FISH 1Mat347 500 5,700,000 11,400 3,800,000 Region 7
Mat194 OLIVES 1Mat347 5000 5,625,000 1,125 3,750,000 Region 5
Mat265 PIRANHA 1Mat347 500 5,325,000 10,650 3,550,000 Region 6
Mat099 SHALE 1Mat347 4000 4,260,000 1065 2,840,000 Region 3
Mat094 BAMBOO 1Mat347 4000 4,080,000 1,020 2,720,000 Region 3
Mat196 OCTOPUS 1Mat347 500 3,750,000 7,500 2,500,000 Region 5
Mat008 IRON 1Mat347 1000 2,175,000 2,175 1,450,000 Region 1
Mat097 SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS 1Mat347 2500 1,875,000 750 1,250,000 Region 3
Mat032 BRONZE 1Mat347 1000 1,500,000 1,500 1,000,000 Region 1
Mat001 COINS 1Mat347 1,000,000 1,500,000 1.5 1,000,000 Region 1
Mat181 DILL 1Mat347 5000 1,275,000 255 850,000 Region 2
Mat098 EEL 1Mat347 500 1,200,000 2,400 800,000 Region 3
Mat182 COD FISH 1Mat347 500 675,000 1350 450,000 Region 2
Mat091 RICE 1Mat347 5000 600,000 120 400,000 Region 3
Mat033 IRON ORE 1Mat347 2000 570,000 285 380,000 Region 1
Mat009 COAL 1Mat347 4000 450,000 113 300,000 Region 1
Mat006 TIN 1Mat347 2000 450,000 225 300,000 Region 1
Mat022 STONE 1Mat347 4000 300,000 75 200,000 Region 1
Mat021 HERB 1Mat347 2500 225,000 90 150,000 Region 1
Mat019 MUSHROOM 1Mat347 5000 225,000 45 150,000 Region 1
Mat011 VEGETABLE ROOT 1Mat347 2500 225,000 90 150,000 Region 1
Mat035 RAW FISH 1Mat347 500 195,000 390 130,000 Region 1
Mat003 COPPER 1Mat347 2000 180,000 90 120,000 Region 1
Mat007 LUMBER 1Mat347 4000 180,000 45 120,000 Region 1
Mat020 APPLE 1Mat347 5000 150,000 30 100,000 Region 1
Mat029 BERRIES 1Mat347 5000 150,000 30 100,000 Region 1
Terra Pillar values are derived from caravans.
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Popular Caravan Strategies


Achievement Strategy This strategy is the fastest way to finish the Caravan Skipper Achievement It is recommended to anyone who hasn't completed the achievement.
The 5 minute option to send caravan for coins is the only one that is free (you usually break even, or earn a small sum of money).
Caravan 5 min

Coin Earning For earning coins using the caravans, the 2 hour option is on average the best option.
Caravan 2 h

Sugar & Flour

Cooking is one of the most important aspects of energy generation. Flour & Sugar are needed for most of the dishes.
The best way to acquire more of them is to send a couple caravan runs for them.
Caravan sugar flour

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