Diggy's Adventure Wiki


This social interaction feature is only available in the computer versions of the game and requires your game to be connected to a Facebook login.
Having your game connected to FB and being able to log in at least once daily on a computer to send and receive gifts and extra energy is highly recommended.

Every 22 hours players can send a gift (Egypt level materials) to all of their friends. These gifted materials can make a big difference in gameplay and can be important.
The gifted materials are not taken from your inventory.
Gifted materials count towards your Achievements. (it can be you need to restart your game for the count to go up)

You are of course free to send whatever gift you want but it is better to send things listed in the Recommended list. Use the filters and send different gifts to Egypt/Scandi-players and the rest.

Having problems with not seeing some neighbours or getting messages your Neighbour cannot see you in their game?
Remove and reinstall in Facebook. Instructions HERE

More Neighbours means more gifts. Find more neighbours in the various Facebook groups.


Gifting Choices[]

Day Material
Monday Mat003 Mat007 Mat011 2Mat019 2Mat029 Greece windmill
Tuesday Mat009 Mat022 Mat021 2Mat020 Greece windmill 6Mat001
Wednesday Mat009 Mat007 Mat021 2Mat029 2Mat020 Greece windmill
Thursday Mat022 Mat021 Mat011 2Mat019 2Mat020 Greece windmill
Friday Mat006 Mat011 Mat022 2Mat019 2Mat029 6Mat001
Saturday Mat033 Mat009 Mat021 2Mat029 2Mat020 Greece windmill
Sunday 2Mat007 2Mat021 4Mat019 4Mat029 4Mat020 Greece windmill

Gifting Based on Region[]

Giftsys Name Lev. req. Qty Day Needed in Region Coin Value XP Value
Mushrooms 3 2 Mo, Th, Fr, Su(x4) Region 1 - 60
Berries 10 2 Mo, We, Fr, Sa, Su(x4) Region 1 - 40
Coin 1 6 Tu, Fr Region 1 Region 2 6 6
Apple 5 2 Tu, We, Th, Sa, Sun(x4) Region 1 Region 2 - 40
Stone 10 1 Tu, Th, Fr Region 1 Region 2 - 50
Lumber 3 1 Mo, We, Su(x2) Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 30
Copper 15 1 Mo Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 60
Coal 10 1 Tu, We, Sa Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 75
Tin 15 1 Fr Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 150
Iron Ore 40 1 Sa Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 190
Herb 3 1 Tu, We, Th, Sa, Sun(x2) Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Filler Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 - 60
Vegetable Root 3 1 Mo, Th, Fr Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Filler Filler Region 6 Region 7 - 60
Greece windmill
Windmill 1 1 Mo, Tu, We, Th, Sa Su Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 50 Coins 50
  • XP Value refers to the experience value of the materials if converted into Pillars.

Recommended Things to Gift[]

Below you can find a guide which gifts are best to send on each day. The list is based on needs in the game, not perse XP values.
, Of course, some other gifts (notably the cooking ingredients) are also useful, but the gifts not mentioned here are always less useful to the gifts mentioned here.

Use the Filters to send specific gifts to a specific region, for example, to send stone to Egypt and Scandi players.

  • Send the metals.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are days to change-up what you send a bit. Be a good neighbour and learn to use the filter system to send lower regions more specific gifts.
  • Send different gifts to Egypt/Scandi-player than you send the rest. (these 2 regions require lots of stone, coins(send windmills = 50 coins) and a bit more roots)
DAY Material Give to Region Reason
MONDAY 1. Mat003Copper

2. Mat011Vegetable Root
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6
Region 1
1. It is the only day copper can be gifted. Needed to forge bronze. Best XP value.

2. Vegetable roots needed in Egypt. Send 1-2 monthly
TUESDAY 1. Mat022Stone

2. Mat009Coal

3. Mat021Herbs
Region 1 Region 2
Filler Filler Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6
Filler Filler Region 3 Filler Region 5 Region 6
1. Stone is needed for grid clearing, send to Egypt and Scandinavian Neighbours.

2. Coal has best XP value. Needed throughout all regions for cooking and in the foundry.

3. Herb gifts count towards Herb achievement and are also used for cooking in most regions. Send every couple weeks instead of coal.
WEDNESDAY Mat009Coal Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Coal has best XP value. Needed throughout all regions for cooking and in the foundry.
THURSDAY 1. Mat022Stone

2. Greece windmillWindmills

3. Mat021Herbs

4. Mat011Vegetable Root
Region 1 Region 2
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Filler Region 5 Region 6
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Filler Filler Region 6
1. Stone is needed for grid clearing, send to Egypt and Scandinavian Neighbors.

2. Windmills can be sold for coins or placed on neighbors' camp. Give to all regions every couple weeks.

3. Herb gifts count towards Herb achievement and are also used for cooking in most regions. Give every couple weeks.

4. Vegetable Roots needed for cooking. Give every couple weeks.
FRIDAY Mat006Tin Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 1. Tin has the best XP value and is a very important material for the foundry. The only day it can be gifted.
SATURDAY Mat0331. Iron Ore

Greece windmill2. Windmills
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6
Region 1 Region 2
1. Iron Ore has the best XP value and is a very important material for the foundry.

2. Windmills to provide much needed coins for Egypt and Scandi players. Send every other week.
SUNDAY Mat007Lumber(x2) Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Lumber is needed for grid clearing. Higher regions require large amounts for cooking and in the foundry.
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Gifting Interface[]

Sending gifts[]

Easiest is to only send gifts 1x daily.(you can send gifts every 22 hrs)
Many people do it first thing when they first login in the morning.
You appreciate getting gifts, return the favor.

  • 1.Open the "Friends" tab(bottom right side of screen)
  • 2.Select the "Send a gift" tab
  • 3.Select the gift you want to send
  • 4."Select Friends"
  • 5.Easiest is to use "select all", but you can also send individually and to a group of selected players in "Best Friends" for specific (requested) materials.
  • 6."Send"


Collecting gifts[]

Gifts will be arriving at random times, depending on when your Neighbors send them. Collect them whenever you like.
The Friends tab(bottom right side screen) will indicate with a red circled number how many are waiting for you to collect.
The list of received gifts shows only the latest 2,000 gifts. Players with many neighbors might have more gifts waiting. Logging in again will give the next 2000 gifts.
Gifts that are not collected within 15 days are removed.


Detailed gift info using DAF2 extension[]

DA Friends is an extension for Chrome browsers that can help give detailed information about gifts and much more. Add it to your browser from the Chrome Webstore

Raw (EXP) values of every gift[]

We already discussed which gifts are the most reasonable picks for each day. In this section, raw experience values for each gift will be listed. (value when used in a PILLAR)

  • Remember that gifts with the highest values are not always the best gifts. Very often gifts with slightly lower value will be the ones preferred by the general public due to their versatility and usefulness.
  • Values for materials are calculated assuming they are converted into pillars without being smelted into metal bars.
DAY Gift Values
MONDAY Copper - 60 xp

Mushroom x2 - 60 xp
Vegetable Root - 60 xp
Windmill - 50 xp
Berries x2 - 40 xp
Lumber - 30 xp

TUESDAY Coal - 75 xp

Herb - 60 xp
Stone - 50 xp
Windmill - 50 xp
Apple x2 - 40 xp
Coins x6 - 6 xp

WEDNESDAY Coal - 75 xp

Herb- 60 xp
Windmill - 50 xp
Apple x2 - 40 xp
Berries x2 - 40 xp
Lumber - 30 xp

THURSDAY Herb - 60 xp

Vegetable Root - 60 xp
Mushroom x2 - 60 xp
Stone - 50 xp
Windmill - 50 xp
Apple x2 - 40 xp

FRIDAY Tin - 150 xp

Mushroom x2 - 60 xp
Vegetable Root - 60 xp
Stone - 50 xp
Berries x2 - 40 xp
Coins x6 - 6 xp

SATURDAY Iron Ore - 190 xp

Coal - 75 xp
Herb - 60 xp
Windmill - 50 xp
Apple x2 - 40 xp
Berries x2 - 40 xp

SUNDAY Herb x2 - 120 xp

Mushroom x4 - 120 xp
Apple x4 - 80 xp
Berries x4 - 80xp
Lumber x2 - 60 xp
Windmill - 50 xp

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Old Windmills - For Sale Only[]

Windmills from the pre-WebGl days.(showing as "broken" Windmills in WebGL Inventory/Extra's tab)
Today only one type of WebGL Windmill exists.

Gifting Name Lev. req. Qty Day Other Location(s) Coin Value XP Value
Old Windmill
Windmill 1 1 Th - 10 Coins 10
Large Windmill < 5 1 Sa - 10 Coins 10
Norse Windmill 60 1 Tu - 25 Coins 25
Chinese Windmill 80 1 Su - 35 Coins 35
Atl Windmill
Atlantean Windmill 90 1 Mo - 40 Coins 40
Greece windmill
Greece Windmill 100 1 We - 50 Coins 50
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