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How much is a given resource worth? Knowing the answer to that can help you determine if it’s worth doing a particular repeatable mine or clearing an optional section of a mine to get that resource. Initially you might think that a resource is worth the amount of energy it costs to clear the tile that gives that resource. However, the game doesn't give you the opportunity to clear as many of those tiles as you like - you have to do the repeatable mines if you want more than you come across in regular gameplay. Some resources are worth much more than their tile, such as gemstones. These are resources that it's worth clearing a lot of empty tiles to obtain. Some resources are worth less than their tile cost (notably, rice) so it might not be worth collecting them even when passing by them in regular mines.
== License ==
It's not as simple as saying I spend 100 energy in the repeatable mine for lumber and get 10 lumber therefore lumber is worth 10 energy each. While doing that repeatable mine you might also get some other resources so you should take that into account. Also sometimes there are multiple mines you can do for a resource.
The values listed below represent the average amount of energy you need to spend to obtain the given resource by doing that resource’s repeatable mines while taking into account the value of the secondary resources you obtain while doing the mines.
In the detailed calculations the “raw” value is how much the resource costs if you ignore the benefit of gaining other resources during the mine. The “adjusted” value takes into account the other resources. The values listed in the index are the adjusted values.
Note that the value of gems in the repeatable mines is ignored. There’s no good way to value them and their presence in a mine would distort the value of everything else in the mine.
There are no repeatable mines specifically for herbs, roots, apples, sugar or flour. Based roughly on caravan costs for those resources you get from the caravan and the value of other Egypt resources, these resources have been assigned a value of 10.
Forged items like bronze are undervalued because their values don't include the cost of the forging time but I don't know how to value that.
= Coins: 2 =
Repeatable Mine: [[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Tutankhamun.27s_Treasury|Tutankhamun's Treasury]]<br/>
Energy cost: 1015 (-40 for the average 2 watermelons gained)<br/>
Average coins obtained: 502<br/>
Raw resource cost: 975 / 502 = 1.94<br/>
Other resources gained: 2 mushrooms<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 975 - 2 * 12 (mushrooms) = 951<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 951 / 502 = 1.89
Note: Higher level repeatable mines for coins have lower returns on energy. These are not considered here as most people past the start of the game have more coins then they need. Few people consider it worthwhile doing the higher level coin repeatables and we don’t want to over-value coins in calculating other resource values. Since coins are involved in every other calculation we'll round 1.89 to 2 to make things easier.
= Herb: 10 =
= Root: 10 =
= Apple: 10 =
= Sugar: 10 =
= Flour: 10 =
= Mushrooms: 13.0 =
Repeatable mine: [[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Mushroom_Pit|Mushroom Pit]]<br/>
Energy cost: 675<br/>
Mushrooms: 33.4<br/>
Raw resource cost: 20.2<br/>
Other resources gained: 46 coins, 7 herbs, 8 roots<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 675 - 92 (coins) - 70 (herbs) - 80 (roots) = 433<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 433 / 33.4 = 13.0<br/>
= Berries: 5.1 =
Repeatable mine: [[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Plantation|Plantation]]<br/>
Energy cost: 300 (-160 for the 8 watermelons gained)<br/>
Berries: 15<br/>
Raw resource cost: 140 / 15 = 9.3<br/>
Other resources gained: 5 coins, 1.5 roots, 3 mushrooms<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 140 - 10 (coins) - 15 (roots) - 39 (mushrooms) = 76<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 76 / 15 = 5.1<br/>
= Lumber: 15.0 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Abandoned_Tunnel|Abandoned Tunnel]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 200<br/>
Lumber: 20<br/>
Raw resource cost: 200 / 20 = 10<br/>
Other resources: 23 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 200 - 46 (coins) = 154<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 154 / 20 = 7.7<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Lumber_Warehouse|Lumber Warehouse]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 894<br/>
Lumber: 55<br/>
Raw resource cost: 894 / 55 = 16.3<br/>
Other resources: 121 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 992 - 242 (coins) = 750<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 750 / 55 = 13.6<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Shifting_Forest|Shifting Forest]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 2289<br/>
Lumber: 127<br/>
Raw resource cost: 2289 / 127 = 18.0<br/>
Other resources: 122 coins, 1 herb, 1 berry<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 2289 - 244 (coins) - 10 (herb) - 5.1 (berry) = 2030<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 2030 / 127 = 16.0<br/>
'''Lumber Totals''' (weighted by relative cooldowns):<br/>
Lumber gained per day: 20 * 3 (Abandoned Tunnel 3x per day) + 55 * 2 (Lumber Warehouse 2x per day) + 127 * 3 (Shifting Forest 3x per day) = 551<br/>
Energy spent per day: 200 * 3 + 894 * 2 + 2289 * 3 = 9255<br/>
Total raw lumber resource cost: 9255 / 551 = 16.8<br/>
Total adjusted lumber resource cost: (200*7.7*3 + 894*13.6*2 + 2289*16.0*3) / 9255 = 15.0<br/>
= Stone: 27.2 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Small_Stone_Pit|Small Stone Pit]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 507<br/>
Stone: 15<br/>
Raw resource cost: 507 / 15 = 33.8<br/>
Other resources: 25 coins, 10 lumber<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 507 - 50 (coins) - 150 (lumber) = 307<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 307 / 15 = 20.5<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Stony_Landslide|Stony Landslide]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 5795<br/>
Stone: 114<br/>
Raw resource cost: 5795 / 114 = 50.8<br/>
Other resources: 1114 coins, 1 Iron, 2 Bronze, 6 Copper, 9 Berries, 1 gem<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 5795 - 2228 (coins) - 250 (Iron) - 208 (Bronze) - 149 (Copper) - 46 (Berries) = 2914<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 2914 / 114 = 25.6<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Mountain_Range|Mountain Range]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 2211<br/>
Stone: 63<br/>
Raw resource cost: 2211 / 63 = 35.1<br/>
Other resources: 111 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 2211 - 222 (coins) = 1989<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 1989 / 63 = 31.6<br/>
'''Stone Totals''' (weighted by relative cooldowns):<br/>
Stone gained per day: 15 * 3 (Small Stone Pit 3x per day) + 114 * 2 (Stony Landslide 2x per day) + 63 * 3 (Mountain Range 3x per day) = 462<br/>
Energy spent per day: 507 * 3 + 5795 * 2 + 2211 * 3 = 19744<br/>
Total raw stone resource cost: 19744 / 462 = 42.7<br/>
Total adjusted stone resource cost: (507*20.5*3 + 5795*25.6*2 + 2211*31.6*3) / 19744 = 27.2<br/>
= Copper: 24.8 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Coal_Cavern|Coal Cavern]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 630<br/>
Copper: 20.5<br/>
Coal: 13.5<br/>
Raw resource (for both copper and coal) cost: 630 / 34 = 18.5<br/>
Other resources: 27 coins, 1 lumber<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 630 - 54 (coins) - 15 (lumber) = 561<br/>
Adjusted resource (for both copper and coal) cost: 561 / 34 = 16.5<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Copper_Fields|Copper Fields]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 1472<br/>
Copper: 43<br/>
Raw resource cost: 1472 / 43 = 34.2<br/>
Other resources: 116 coins, 2 roots<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 1472 - 232 (coins) - 20 (roots) = 1220<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 1220 / 43 = 28.4<br/>
'''Copper Totals''':<br/>
Copper gained per day: 20.5 * 3 (Coal Cavern 3x per day) + 43 * 3 (Copper Fields 3x per day) = 190.5<br/>
Energy spent per day: 630 * 3 + 1472 * 3 = 6306<br/>
Total raw copper resource cost: 6306 / 190.5 = 33.1<br/>
Total adjusted copper resource cost: (630*16.5*3 + 1472*28.4*3) / 6306 = 24.8<br/>
= Coal: 34.6 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Coal_Cavern|Coal Cavern]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 630<br/>
Copper: 20.5<br/>
Coal: 13.5<br/>
Raw resource (for both copper and coal) cost: 630 / 34 = 18.5<br/>
Other resources: 27 coins, 1 lumber<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 630 - 54 (coins) - 15 (lumber) = 561<br/>
Adjusted resource (for both copper and coal) cost: 561 / 34 = 16.5<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Fossil_Pits|Fossil Pits]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 920<br/>
Coal: 25<br/>
Raw resource cost: 920 / 25 = 36.8<br/>
Other resources: 69 coins, 1 lumber, 2 mushrooms, 3 berries<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 920 - 138 (coins) - 15 (lumber) - 26 (mushrooms) - 15 (berries) = 726<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 726 / 25 = 29.0<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Coal_Mine|Coal Mine]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 4496<br/>
Coal: 104<br/>
Raw resource cost: 4496 / 104 = 43.2<br/>
Other resources: 254 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 4496 - 508 (coins) = 3988<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 3988 / 104 = 38.3<br/>
'''Coal Totals''':<br/>
Coal gained per day: 13.5 * 3 (Coal Cavern 3x per day) + 25 * 3 (Fossil Pits 3x per day) + 104 * 3 (Coal Mine 3x per day) = 427.5<br/>
Energy spent per day: 630 * 3 + 920 * 3 + 4496 * 3 = 18138<br/>
Total raw coal resource cost: 18138 / 427.5 = 42.4<br/>
Total adjusted coal resource cost: (630*16.5*3 + 920*29.0*3 + 4496*38.3*3) / 18138 = 34.6<br/>
= Iron Ore: 95.0 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Iron_Mine|Iron Mine]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 1581<br/>
Iron Ore: 18<br/>
Raw resource cost: 1581 / 18 = 87.8<br/>
Other resources: 51 coins, .5 lumber, 2 mushrooms, 4 stone<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 1581 - 102 (coins) - 8 (lumber) - 26 (mushrooms) - 109 (stone) = 1336<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 1336 / 18 = 74.2<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Rusty_Caves|Rusty Caves]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 3681<br/>
Iron Ore: 33<br/>
Raw resource cost: 3681 / 33 = 111.5<br/>
Other resources: 125 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 3681 - 250 (coins) = 3431<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 3431 / 33 = 104.0<br/>
'''Iron Ore Totals''':<br/>
Iron ore gained per day: 18 * 3 (Iron Mine 3x per day) + 33 * 3 (Rusty Caves 3x per day) = 153<br/>
Energy spent per day: 1581 * 3 + 3681 * 3 = 15786<br/>
Total raw iron ore resource cost: 15786 / 153 = 103.2<br/>
Total adjusted stone resource cost: (1581*74.2*3 + 3681*104.0*3) / 15786 = 95.0<br/>
= Tin: 72.3 =
Repeatable mines:<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Tin_Cave|Tin Cave]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 881<br/>
Tin: 12<br/>
Raw resource cost: 881 / 12 = 73.4<br/>
Other resources: 26 coins, .5 lumber, 2 mushrooms, 3 stone<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 881 - 52 (coins) - 8 (lumber) - 26 (mushrooms) - 81 (stone) = 714<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 714 / 12 = 59.5<br/>
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Tin_Tunnels|Tin Tunnels]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 1886<br/>
Tin: 22<br/>
Raw resource cost: 1886 / 22 = 85.7<br/>
Other resources: 82 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 1886 - 164 (coins) = 1722<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 1722 / 22 = 78.3<br/>
'''Tin Totals''':<br/>
Tin gained per day: 12 * 3 (Tin Cave 3x per day) + 22 * 3 (Tin Tunnels 3x per day) = 102<br/>
Energy spent per day: 881 * 3 + 1886 * 3 = 8301<br/>
Total raw tin resource cost: 8301 / 102 = 81.4<br/>
Total adjusted tin resource cost: (881*59.5*3 + 1886*78.3*3) / 8301 = 72.3<br/>
= Raw Fish: 98 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Egypt#Fishing_Pond|Fishing Pond]]<br/>
Cooldown: 23 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 660<br/>
Raw Fish: 5<br/>
Raw resource cost: 660 / 5 = 132<br/>
Other resources: 44 coins, 3 roots, 4 mushrooms<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 660 - 88 (coins) - 30 (roots) - 52 (mushrooms) = 490<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 490 / 5 = 98.0<br/>
= Cod: 365 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Cod_Cove|Cod Cove]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 2844<br/>
Cod: 6.5<br/>
Raw resource cost: 2844 / 6.5 = 437.5<br/>
Other resources: 104 coins, 17.5 lumber<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 2844 - 208 (coins) - 262 (lumber) = 2374<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 2374 / 6.5 = 365.2<br/>
= Dill: 106 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Dill_Garden|Dill Garden]]<br/>
Cooldown: 8 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 2433<br/>
Dill: 22<br/>
Raw resource cost: 2433 / 22 = 110.6<br/>
Other resources: 54 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 2433 - 108 (coins) = 2325<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 2325 / 22 = 105.7<br/>
= Shiitake: 125 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Shiitake_Marshes|Shiitake Marshes]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 4716<br/>
Shiitake: 37<br/>
Raw resource cost: 4716 / 37 = 127.5<br/>
Other resources: 44 coins, 2 roots<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 4716 - 88 (coins) - 20 (roots) = 4608<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 4608 / 37 = 124.5<br/>
= Rice: 47.1 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Paddy_Fields|Paddy Fields]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 4819<br/>
Rice: 97<br/>
Raw resource cost: 4819 / 97 = 49.7<br/>
Other resources: 126 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 4819 - 252 (coins) = 4567<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 4567 / 97 = 47.1<br/>
= Eel: 779 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Shallow_Waters|Shallow Waters]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 4080<br/>
Eels: 5<br/>
Raw resource cost: 4080 / 5 = 816<br/>
Other resources: 69 coins, 1 root, 2 mushrooms, 1 herb<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 4080 - 138 (coins) - 10 (root) - 26 (mushrooms) - 10 (herb) = 3896<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 3896 / 5 = 779.2<br/>
= Shale: 444 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Shale_Deposit|Shale Deposit]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 11318<br/>
Shale: 25<br/>
Raw resource cost: 11318 / 25 = 452.7<br/>
Other resources: 105 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 11318 - 210 (coins) = 11108<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 11108 / 25 = 444.3<br/>
= Ancient Scrap Metal: 1158 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Metal_Vaults|Metal Vaults]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 17675<br/>
Ancient Scrap Metal: 15<br/>
Raw resource cost: 17675 / 15 = 1178.3<br/>
Other resources: 143 coins, .5 rice<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 17675 - 286 (coins) - 24 (rice) = 17365<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 17365 / 15 = 1157.7<br/>
= Bamboo: 423 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Bamboo_Forest|Bamboo Forest]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 16010<br/>
Bamboo: 37<br/>
Raw resource cost: 16010 / 37 = 432.7<br/>
Other resources: 188 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 16010 - 376 (coins) - 24 (rice) = 15634<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 15634 / 37 = 422.5<br/>
= Seaweed: 733 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Atlantis#Seaweed_Forest|Seaweed Forest]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 8316<br/>
Seaweed: 10.8<br/>
Raw resource cost: 8316 / 10.8 = 770<br/>
Other resources: 149 coins<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 8316 - 398 (coins) = 7918<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 7918 / 10.8 = 733<br/>
= Lobster: 1480 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Atlantis#Lobster_Bay|Lobster Bay]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 10143<br/>
Lobster: 6.3<br/>
Raw resource cost: 10143 / 6.3 = 1610<br/>
Other resources: 71 coins, 25 stone<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 10143 - 142 (coins) - 680 (stone) = 9321<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 9321 / 6.3 = 1480<br/>
= Marble: 1065 =
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 20240<br/>
Marble: 16.8<br/>
Raw resource cost: 20240 / 16.8 = 1205<br/>
Other resources: 145 coins, 17 stone, 1500 exp<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 20240 - 390 (coins) - 462 (stone) - 1500 (exp) = 17888<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 17888 / 16.8 = 1065<br/>
= Volcanic Ore: 1834 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Atlantis#Volcanic_Valley|Volcanic Valley]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 28466<br/>
Volcanic Ore: 14.4<br/>
Raw resource cost: 28466 / 14.4 = 1977<br/>
Other resources: 390 coins, 8 stone, 1 marble<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 28466 - 780 (coins) - 218 (stone) - 1065 (marble) = 26403<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 26403 / 14.4 = 1834<br/>
= Black Pearl: 63502 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Atlantis#Pearl_Paradise|Pearl Paradise]]<br/>
Cooldown: 69 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 77690<br/>
Pearls: 1.1<br/>
Raw resource cost: 77690 / 1.1 = 70627<br/>
Other resources: 2641 coins, 1 copper, .5 tin, 1.5 iron, 4 stone, 4 seaweed, 1.2 marble<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 77690 - 5282 (coins) - 25 (copper) - 36 (tin) - 375 (iron) - 109 (stone) - 733 (seaweed) - 1278 (marble) = 69852<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 69852 / 1.1 = 63502<br/>
= Olive: 481 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Olive_Garden|Olive Garden]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 11427<br/>
Olives: 23.4<br/>
Raw resource cost: 11427 / 23.4 = 488<br/>
Other resources: 54 coins, 2.5 herbs, 1.5 sugar, 1.5 flour<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 11427 - 108 (coins) - 25 (herbs) - 15 (sugar) - 15 (flour) = 11264<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 11264 / 23.4 = 481<br/>
= Lemon: 894 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Lemon_Orchard|Lemon Orchard]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 13010<br/>
Lemons: 14.4<br/>
Raw resource cost: 13010 / 14.4 = 903<br/>
Other resources: 32 coins, 3 herbs, 2 sugar, 2 flour<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 13010 - 64 (coins) - 30 (herbs) - 20 (sugar) - 20 (flour) = 12876<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 12876 / 14.4 = 894<br/>
= Octopus: 2318 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Octopus_Reef|Octopus Reef]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 16911<br/>
Octopuses: 7.2<br/>
Raw resource cost: 16911 / 7.2 = 2349<br/>
Other resources: 63 coins, 2 herbs, .1 seaweed<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 16911 - 126 (coins) - 20 (herbs) - 73 (seaweed) = 16692<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 16692 / 7.2 = 2318<br/>
= Adamantine Ore: 1233 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Adamantine_Cave|Adamantine Cave]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 40229<br/>
Adamantine Ore: 14<br/>
Raw resource cost: 40229 / 14 = 2874<br/>
Other resources: 463 coins, 1 lumber, 2.5 coal, 2.5 volcanic ore, 1.8 orichalcum<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 40229 - 926 (coins) - 15 (lumber) - 87 (coal) - 4585 (volcanic ore) - 17357 (orichalcum) = 17259<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 17259 / 14 = 1233<br/>
= Cedar Wood: 1652 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Cedar_Forest|Cedar Forest]]<br/>
Cooldown: 12 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 39313<br/>
Cedar Wood: 21.4<br/>
Raw resource cost: 39313 / 21.4 = 1837<br/>
Other resources: 765 coins, 2425 exp<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 39313 - 1530 (coins) - 2425 exp = 35358<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 35358 / 21.4 = 1652<br/>
= Bronze: 104 =
5 Tin + 5 Copper + 1 Coal = 5 Bronze<br/>
5 * 72.3 + 5 * 24.8 + 34.6 = 520<br/>
520 / 5 = 104.0<br/>
= Iron: 250 =
6 Iron Ore + 5 Lumber + 3 Coal = 3 Iron<br/>
6 * 95.0 + 5 * 15.0 + 3 * 34.6 = 748.8<br/>
748.8 / 3 = 249.6<br/>
= Dragon Ingot: 7740 =
5 ancient scrap metal + 15 tin + 25 coal = 1 dragon ingot<br/>
5 * 1158 + 15 * 72.3 + 25 * 34.6 = 7739.5<br/>
= Orichalcum: 9643 =
5 volcanic ore + 5 Coal + 20 lumber = 1 orichalcum<br/>
5 * 1834 + 5 * 34.6 + 20 * 15 = 9643<br/>
= Adamantine Steel: 18164 =
6 adamantine ore + 3 orichalcum = 2 adamantine steel<br/>
6 * 1233 + 3 * 9643 = 36327<br/>
36327 / 2 = 18164<br/>
= Amethyst: 5591 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Scandinavia#Hard_Rock_Cavern|Hard Rock Cavern]]<br/>
Cooldown: 32 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 34930<br/>
Amethysts: 3<br/>
Raw resource cost: 34930 / 3 = 11643.3<br/>
Other resources: 1465 coins, 70 copper, 53 tin, 70 coal, 46 stone, 63 iron ore<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 34930 - 2930 (coins) - 1736 (copper) - 3832 (tin) - 2422 (coal) - 1251 (stone) - 5985 (iron ore) = 16774<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 16774 / 3 = 5591.3<br/>
= Ruby: 33044 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_China#Bamboo_Forest|Bamboo Forest]]<br/>
Cooldown: 32 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 103850<br/>
Rubies: 2<br/>
Raw resource cost: 103850 / 2 = 51925<br/>
Other resources: 3348 coins, 17 stone, 45 rice, 22 bamboo, 8 ancient scrap metal, 18 shiitake, 3 eels, 12 shale<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 103850 - 6696 (coins) - 462 (stone) - 2120 (rice) - 9306 (bamboo) - 9264 (ancient scrap metal) - 2250 (shiitake) - 2337 (eels) - 5328 (shale) = 66087<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 66087 / 2 = 33044<br/>
= Topaz: 30263 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Atlantis#Topaz_Treasury|Topaz Treasury]]<br/>
Cooldown: 23 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 108045<br/>
Topaz: 2<br/>
Raw resource cost: 108045 / 2 = 54023<br/>
Other resources: 4288 coins, 3 seaweed, 5 marble, 3 lobster, 4 volcanic ore, 1 orichalcum, 10000 exp<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 108045 - 8576 (coins) - 2199 (seaweed) - 5325 (marble) - 4440 (lobster) - 7336 (volcanic ore) - 9643 (orichalcum) - 10000 (exp) = 60526<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 60526 / 2 = 30263<br/>
= Sapphire: 33435 =
[[Repeatable_Mines_-_Greece#Sapphire_Sanctuary|Sapphire Sanctuary]]<br/>
Cooldown: 23 hours<br/>
Energy cost: 125800<br/>
Sapphires: 2<br/>
Raw resource cost: 125800 / 2 = 62900<br/>
Other resources: 4298 coins, 4 cedar wood, 6 adamantine ore, 2 adamantine steel<br/>
Adjusted energy cost: 125800 - 8596 (coins) - 6608 (cedar wood) - 7398 (adamantine ore) - 36328 (adamantine steel) = 66870<br/>
Adjusted resource cost: 66870 / 2 = 33435<br/>

Latest revision as of 19:31, 11 January 2022
