Diggy's Adventure Wiki

Red Rings Repeatable Week

Redrings diggy


During Red Ring Week a new map with repeatable ring mines will appear on the Events-map.
Only mines available for the region of your progress will be unlocked.
Other mines will unlock as you progress to higher regions.
Goal of this week is to collect Materials and Tok1642Red Rings.
The repeatable mines give 1Tok1642 Red Ring that can be used in the Red Ring Reward mines, similar to Green rings.
The repeatable mines also give rare materials Mat047Mat092Mat143Mat197Mat235Mat329Mat398 or Sys001

Red Ring Repeatable Mines

Rringmines mobile

Region Name Clear Bonus Cooldown Chance Tiles Energy Cost Materials
Show/Hide Averages
Region 1 Red Ring Deposit 50Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
50% 9 272E 1Tok1642 0-8Mat001 0-3Mat007 0-2Use0001
50% 10 405E 1Tok1642 0-8Mat001 0-3Mat003 0-2Use0005
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 1.23 339E 1Tok1642 2.4Mat001 0.3Mat003 0.3Mat007 0.3Use0001 0.3Use0005
Region 1 Red Ring Treasury 100Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
33.3% 21 960E 1Tok1642 740-1,310Mat001
33.3% 21 960E 1Tok1642 670-1,550Mat001
33.3% 25 1,080E 1Tok1642 1,160-2,890Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 2.49 1,387E 1Tok1642 1,386.7Mat001
Region 1 Red Ring Library 220Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
50% 5 2,200E 1Tok1642 4,500Sys001
50% 5 2,200E 1Tok1642 4,500Sys001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.15 2,200E 1Tok1642 4,500Sys001
Region 1 Red Ring Amethyst Mine 700Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
100% 16 6,980E 1Tok1642 1Mat047 300-540Mat001 27-63Mat022
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 7.21 6,980E 1Tok1642 1Mat047 420Mat001 45Mat022
Region 1 Red Ring Pyramid 1,000Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
75% 29 10,000E 1Tok1642 20,000Sys001 120-218Mat001
25% 35 10,000E 1Tok1642 26,500Sys001 160-278Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.28 10,000E 1Tok1642 21,625Sys001 181.5Mat001
Region 2 Red Ring Ruby Mine 3,000Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
100% 31 30,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat092 10-350Mat001 80-128Mat022
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 4.61 30,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat092 167.1Mat001 104Mat022
Region 3 Red Ring University 10,000Sys001 11 hours
or 25Mat002
60% 34 37,800E 1Tok1642 46,000Sys001 500-850Mat001
40% 44 37,800E 1Tok1642 56,000Sys001 900-1,200Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 2.61 37,800E 1Tok1642 50,000 Sys001 825Mat001
Region 3 Red Ring Topaz Mine 7,000Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
100% 41 72,060E 1Tok1642 1Mat143 1,200-2,970Mat001 9Mat008 9Mat032 30Mat009 104-182Mat022
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.64 72,060E 1Tok1642 1Mat143 2,068.2Mat001 9Mat008 9Mat032 30Mat009 143Mat022
Region 4 Red Ring Sapphire Mine 8,100Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
100% 22 81,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat197 27,900Sys001 0-255Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.67 81,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat197 27,900Sys001 127.5Mat001
Region 5 Red Ring Diamond Jungle 9,000Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
100% 29 90,660E 1Tok1642 1Mat235 40,000Sys001 8,500-11,456Mat001 18-42Mat007 70-85Mat009 32-56Mat022
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.95 90,660E 1Tok1642 1Mat235 40,000Sys001 9,969.2Mat001 30Mat007 77.5Mat009 44Mat022
Region 6 Red Ring Mountain 5,500Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
75% 22 55,000E 1Tok1642 110,000Sys001 2,397-3,615Mat001
25% 25 55,000E 1Tok1642 135,000Sys001 3,196-4,716Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.27 55,000E 1Tok1642 116,250 Sys001 3,237.5Mat001
Region 6 Red Ring Opal Module 20,000Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
100% 19 100,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat329 52,500Sys001 12,000-15,308Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 4.06 100,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat329 52,500Sys001 13,648Mat001
Region 7 Red Wastes Near Temple 24,000Sys001 11 hours
or 30Mat002
100% 22 126,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat398 64,000X 14,400-14,880Mat001
Longterm Average Xp/Energy: 3.72 126,000E 1Tok1642 1Mat398 64,000 X 14,632Mat001

Red Ring Reward mines

Spend the Tok1642Red Rings in the Reward mines. Usually the highest available version gives most/best loot.
The repeatable Reward mines give rare materials, cooking ingredients, metals, gems and other regional materials.
Reward locations with chests are split into 3 tiers. You only need to open 1 chest in each tier to proceed forward.
Optimize rewards and only open chests with highest value loot.
After reaching the 3rd tier, you can clear the one and only tile in the location to reset it.
Rrewardmines mobile

Region Spend your rings HERE Clear Bonus Cooldown Tiles Energy Cost Materials (Some Vary by Level)
Region 1Region 2 Red Hall of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 Mat007 Mat008 Mat022 Mat032 1Mat047 110 FOOD (385 TOTAL) 3Use0047 Sys001
Region 3 Red Pagoda of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 1Mat092 Mat094 Mat095 Mat096 Mat099 3Use0047 1,000 FOOD (3,500 TOTAL) Sys001
Region 4 Red Museum of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 1Mat143 Mat144 Mat145 Mat146 Mat147 Mat148 1Mat149 3Use0047 Sys001
Region 5 Red Mountain of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 1Mat149 Mat193 Mat195 Mat196 1Mat197 Mat199 3Use0047 Sys001
Region 6 Red Temple of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 Mat147 Mat198 1Mat235 Mat266 Mat267 1Mat268 Mat269 3Use0047 Sys001
Region 7 Red Deck of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat001 5-6Mat002 Mat328 1Mat329 Mat330 Mat331 1Mat332 Mat333 Mat334 3Use0047 Sys001
Region 8 Red Shrine of Rewards 100Sys001 2 hours
or 25Mat002
1 50Nrg Mat0015-6Mat0021Mat398Mat404Mat405Mat4061Mat407Mat409Mat4103Use0047 Sys001

Reward mines: Maps, Multipliers and Value Ranges

{{{tooltip}}}Red Hall of Rewards

Red Hall of Rewards
  • The location consists of 10 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat022 Mat007 Mat001 Use0030
    • Blue tier: Mat032 Mat008 Sys001
    • Green Tier: Mat047 Mat002 Use0047(8h)
Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat022 23-26 0.10
Mat007 33-36 0.10
Mat001 910-940 0.10
Use0030 (110Nrg) 3-4 0.02
Mat032 12-15 0.01
Mat008 10-12 0.01
Sys001 12 9
Mat047 Always 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat002 5 or 6 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) Always 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Pagoda of Rewards

Red Pagoda of Rewards
  • The location consists of 10 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat094 Mat099 Use0139 Mat001
    • Blue tier: Mat095 Mat096 Sys001
    • Green Tier: Mat002 Mat092 Use0047(8h)
Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat099 6-8 0,06
Mat094 7-9 0,06
Mat001 910-940 0.10
Use0139(1000Nrg) 3-4 0,02
Mat095 4-5 0,04
Mat096 3-4 0,02
Sys001 12 9
Mat002 5-6 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat092 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Museum of Rewards

Red Museum of Rewards (Atlantis)

  • The location consists of 11 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat147 Mat145 Mat001 Sys001
    • Blue tier: Mat144 Mat146 Mat148
    • Green Tier: Mat149 Use0047(8h) Mat143 Mat002


Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat145 4-5 0.05
Mat147 4-5 0.04
Mat001 910-940 0.1
Sys001 12 9
Mat144 4-5 0.1
Mat146 2 0.08
Mat148 3-4 0.01
Mat002 5-6 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat143 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat149 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Mountain of Rewards

Red Mountain of Rewards (Greece)

  • The location consists of 11 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat195 Mat196 Mat001 Sys001
    • Blue tier: Mat193 Mat198 Mat199
    • Green Tier: Mat197 Use0047(8h) Mat149 Mat002


Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat195 4-5 0.07
Mat196 2-3 0.05
Mat001 910-940 0.1
Sys001 14 9
Mat193 3-4 0.03
Mat198 3-4 0.02
Mat199 1-2 0.02
Mat197 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat149 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat002 5-6 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Temple of Rewards

Red Temple of Rewards (New World)

  • The location consists of 11 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat147 Sys001 Mat001 Mat198
    • Blue tier: Mat267 Mat269 Mat266
    • Green Tier: Mat235 Mat002 Use0047(8h) Mat268


Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat147 5-6 0.05
Sys001 15 9
Mat001 1050-1120 0.1
Mat198 4-5 0.04
Mat267 2-3 0.03
Mat269 1-2 0.01
Mat266 3-4 0.03
Mat235 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat002 5-6 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat268 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Deck of Rewards

Red Deck of Rewards (Terra)

  • The location consists of 11 treasure chests and 1 tile.
  • The chests are divided into tiers:
    • Red tier: Mat334 Mat333 Mat001 Sys001
    • Blue tier: Mat331 Mat328 Mat330
    • Green Tier: Mat329 Use0047 Mat332 Mat002


Redring3 Values Range Multiplier
Mat334 4-5 0.07
Mat333 2-3 0.05
Mat001 1050-1120 0.1
Sys001 15 9
Mat331 2-3 0.02
Mat328 4-5 0.05
Mat330 3-4 0.03
Mat329 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Use0047(8h) 3 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat332 1 (Regardless of level) N/A
Mat002 5-6 (Regardless of level) N/A
{{{tooltip}}}Red Shrine of Rewards

Red Shrine of Rewards (Terra) RED SHRINE OF REWARDS floor1


Questgiver: Npc1699 Narmer (Virides's brother)
Materials: Tok1642 Red Ring
Requirements to participate: level 35 (and higher) players who have completed the first Quest in Isis-Egypt (Small Cave).

The repeatables will not reset when the next ring week comes. They come back in the state you have left them previously, therefore it's recommended to clear the location completely before the week ends.

Red Rings can be saved for future Red ring weeks. They can not be seen in your inventory until the next Red ring week starts.
It can be a strategy to save up red rings until you reach a high enough region. But there is no guarantee there will always be a next ring week.

Optimizing Xp value per Ring

There is no need to open all gates in the Reward mines.
In this table you will see some examples of the Rewards at certain levels.
For exact information at your Level/Region, please use the Daf2 extension for the computer version of the game.
Numbers are all averages.
In green you see the best choices that will give you most value, expressed in Xp and are taken from Pillar values; Caravan Xp values are 150%.

LocRedhallofrewards RED HALL
of Rewards
of Rewards
of Rewards
of Rewards
of Rewards
of Rewards
Region 1 Level 100 Region 2 Level 150 Region 3 Level 200 Region 4 Level 250 Region 5 Level 300 Region 6 Level 400 Region 7 Level 500
1 269.5Mat022 13,457 391.5Mat022 19,575 91Mat099 64,610 49.5Mat147 173,250 98.5Mat195 163,510 115.5Mat147 404,250 161.5Mat334 510,340
2 10.5Use0030 1,155 13.5Use0030 1,485 17.5Use0139 17,500 60.5Mat145 108,900 39.5Mat196 197,500 76.5Mat198 393,975 64.5Mat333 490,200
3 379.5Mat007 11,385 551Mat007 16,530 104Mat094 70,720 27,012X 27,012 37,814X 37,814 50,414X 50,414 67,515X 67,515
4 10,175Mat001 10,175 14,800Mat001 14,800 19,425Mat001 19,425 24,050Mat001 24,050 28,675Mat001 28,675 44,485Mat001 44,485 55,335Mat001 55,335
5 22Mat008 31,900 27Mat008 39,150 17.5Mat096 288,750 11.5Mat148 287,500 10.5Mat199 577,500 7.5Mat269 525,000 116.5Mat328 524,250
6 26.5Mat032 26,500 23.5Mat032 33,500 40.5Mat095 85,050 116.5Mat144 139,800 24.5Mat198 126,175 32.5Mat267 195,000 27.5Mat331 171,875
7 10,812X 10,812 16,212X 16,212 21,612X 21,612 42Mat146 117,600 34.5Mat193 98,325 45.5Mat266 191,100 55.5Mat330 244,200
8 1Mat047 40,000 1Mat047 40,000 1Mat092 100,000 1Mat149 120,000 1Mat149 120,000 1Mat268 250,000 1Mat332 240,000
9 3Use0047 - 3Use0047 - 3Use0047 - 1Mat143 150,000 1Mat197 180,000 1Mat235 200,000 1Mat329 220,000
10 5.5Mat002 - 5.5Mat002 - 5.5Mat002 - 3Use0047 - 3Use0047 - 3Use0047 - 3Use0047 -
11 5.5Mat002 - 5.5Mat002 - 5.5Mat002 - 5.5Mat002 -
Xp per ring: 14,540 18,125 66,766 104,373 139,045 205,256 229,428
Best Xp/ring: 28,458 33,056 153,156 203,583 318,333 393,306 441,197

Red Rings Quest

The first time you play a Red Ring week you will get 2 quests and an achievement reward.

Quest Reward
Mines of the Red Ring 300Mat001 800Sys001
Deserved Rewards 500Mat001 2,000Sys001
Final Reward
Achievement (Lord of the Rings)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Tok1642
2 2Tok1642
500X600Mat0015110 FOOD (550 TOTAL) (550)E
3 4Tok1642
4 5Tok1642
5 7Tok1642
6 9Tok1642
7 12Tok1642
8 15Tok1642
10,000X5,000Mat00150Mat002 Dec0492
Total 55Tok1642
27,000X15,900Mat0011Use0036 5110 FOOD (550 TOTAL) Dec0492150Mat007150Mat0221Mat0472Tok00323Use0047 50Mat002

How does it Work?

Red rings work in a similar way to Green Rings.
A new map with repeatable ring and reward mines will be added to your stories map.
You collect Red Rings in the repeatable Red ring mines available to the region you are in.
Then spend them in the (highest) Reward mine available to you.

Acquiring Red Rings

  • Each special repeatable mine available has 1 ring and materials. These mines have a reset time of 11 hours. (twice daily play)

Using your Red Rings

  • Red rings can only be used in one of the 'Rewards' Mines
  • The gate to the next tier will only open after at least 1 chest has been opened from the previous tier
  • Players need to open at least 3 chests (1 from each tier) to be able to reset the location
  • Players can reset the location by digging the tile at the end - it becomes available after opening at least one chest in the green tier

Calculating the amount of materials

The amount of materials found in the treasure chests is determined by the your level.
The formula to calculate the amount of material is:

Amount = (Level x Multiplier x Value) + Value

  • Level: your own level, visible at the top of the screen
  • Multiplier - The multiplier value will be different for different chests, check the Multipliers and Value Ranges for Reward mines tables below.
  • Value - this is the value, which is set separately for every chest, values are set in ranges and sometimes in fixed amounts, for example 13-17. Value can be only integer number, for example 1-2, the Value can be only 1 or 2.

The decimals in results are always rounded DOWN

The DA friends helpertool for browsers has a tab to calculate everything for you.

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