Segmented Free Event, First Released May 10, 2022
Details by Region[]
Click your region icon (below) for detailed information:
Food Value(s): | 50 |
Repeatable Mines | Clear Bonus | Cooldown | Chance | Tiles | Energy Cost | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Festive Room | 110 100 |
12 hours or 10 |
35% | 13 | 1,027 | 25535311,027100
835 | 2,072 | 2.02 |
25% | 14 | 1,054 | 302.5221,054100
2,560 | 3,824 | 3.63 | |||
25% | 13 | 1,067 | 252.56321,067100
1,655 | 2,932 | 2.75 | |||
15% | 12 | 1,017 | 25121,017100
2,025 | 3,252 | 3.2 |
Energy Cost | Average Loot | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/Energy |
1,042 |,042100
1,650 | 2,902 | 2.78 |
Story Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Hungry Digger | 405 | 400 2,000 |
3,985 | 1,3622.54102112125323113,9851,035
7,443 | 12,863 | 3.23 | ||
Explorers’ Conference | 425 | 480 2,000 |
4,715 | 1,5382.521828.521291151842114,7152,200
9,176 | 16,571 | 3.51 | ||
Wild Steppe | 589 | 550 2,100 |
5,417 | 1,62841527.516242106286115,4172,200
12,681 | 20,848 | 3.85 | ||
Attila’s Tomb | 463 | 630 2,200 |
6,209 | 1,6965425.52192152416.521284116,2091,100
14,541 | 22,480 | 3.62 | ||
Venerable University | 910 | 1,070 2,300 |
10,619 | 2,49110154330211201821041110,6191,900
18,101 | 31,690 | 2.98 | ||
Uncharted Island | 823 | 850 2,400 |
8,413 | 2,83010822.5222118117.524486218,413900
17,810 | 27,973 | 3.32 | ||
Attila’s Palace | 665 | 1,160 2,500 |
11,574 | 2,373158154521236125214472211,5741,700
60,609 | 75,043 | 6.48 | ||
10th Birthday Party | 528 | 540 2,600 |
5,368 | 1,632101422.511021215259363115,3684,010
14,338 | 24,256 | 4.52 | ||
Chambers of 10th Birthday | 173 | 720 2,000 |
7,160 | 2,400258659154275126015912111037,1606,300
120,855 | 135,035 | 18.86 | ||
Story Totals | 4,981 | 6,400 20,100 |
63,460 | 17,95270622082865191472108194135266246201263,46021,345
275,552 | 366,757 | 5.78 |
Challenge Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Challenge 1 | 581 | 2,360 7,500 |
23,528 | 1,8194024701517.5363751080811312177323,5282,800
62,472 | 91,160 | 3.87 | ||
Challenge 2 | 1,003 | 4,120 10,000 |
41,157 | 3,566552492.5182036990121081052432348441,1573,800
172,007 | 221,084 | 5.37 | ||
Challenge 3 | 1,068 | 5,190 12,500 |
52,481 | 3,78662.5441402227.516117117121109926463912552,481600
192,189 | 250,460 | 4.77 | ||
Challenge Totals | 2,652 | 11,670 30,000 |
117,166 | 9,17215892302556522249282342982856390902712117,1667,200
426,667 | 562,703 | 4.8 |
Event Summary | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
10th Birthday | 7,633 | 18,070 50,100 |
180,626 | 27,124228154511831304139649242492420891521364724180,62628,545
702,274 | Tiles: 180,626 Bonus: 18,070 XP in Mines: 28,545 Pillar XP: 702,274 |
5.15 |
Quest | Reward |
Trip Down the Memory Lane | 3001001,000
10th Birthday Gifts | 4501501,000
Explorer Mom | 4501501,050
10th Birthday Challenges | 3001001,000
Saddle Up! | 6002001,150
The Scourge of God | 7502501,200
Professor's Help | 9003001,250
Attila's Lost Weapon | 1,0503501,300
The Golden Arrow | 1,2004001,500
A Note from Mom | 1,5005002,000
Final Reward | 5,00030 (1,500)1
Level | Collect | Reward |
1 | 5 | 1001501 1,500
2 | 6 | 250250201,550
3 | 6 | 500500201,600
4 | 8 | 7507501 1,650
5 | 8 | 1,0001,000101,700
6 | 9 | 1,5001,50011,750
7 | 10 | 2,0002,00011,800
8 | 12 | 2,5002,500302,000
Total | 64 | 8,6008,6501 13,55020201 4011
XP Bonus | Part | Location | Event Pass | |
7,000 | Explorers’ Conference | 2,000 | ||
Wild Steppe | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Tomb | 2,000 | |||
Uncharted Island | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Palace | 2,000 |
Name | Return | Level | Cost | |
Birthday Cup of Chocolate | 100 | 20 | 1 | |
Piece of Blue Cake | 2,000 | 20 | 100 | |
Little Digger | 600 | 20 | 1 |
Food Value(s): | 150 |
Repeatable Mines | Clear Bonus | Cooldown | Chance | Tiles | Energy Cost | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Festive Room | 700 100 |
12 hours or 10 |
35% | 13 | 6,939 | 353292223.511,027800
4,380 | 12,819 | 1.85 |
25% | 14 | 7,018 | 4212.569.51,054800
8,597 | 17,115 | 2.44 | |||
25% | 13 | 7,079 | 3512.5333.521,067800
8,130 | 16,709 | 2.36 | |||
15% | 12 | 6,899 | 35161,017800
6,035 | 14,434 | 2.09 |
Energy Cost | Average Loot | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/Energy |
6,988 |,042800
6,620 | 15,108 | 2.16 |
Story Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Hungry Digger | 405 | 2,700 2,000 |
26,624 | 2,56212.522645236229.5217.53113,9858,145
66,082 | 103,551 | 3.89 | ||
Explorers’ Conference | 425 | 3,200 2,000 |
31,087 | 3,10612.51192525.5436261.51931.52114,71510,700
72,709 | 117,696 | 3.79 | ||
Wild Steppe | 589 | 3,600 2,100 |
35,928 | 2,5512296513.52184446382356115,41714,150
85,184 | 138,862 | 3.87 | ||
Attila’s Tomb | 463 | 4,100 2,200 |
40,458 | 3,546252214055844569638252.54116,2097,650
95,452 | 147,660 | 3.65 | ||
Venerable University | 910 | 7,200 2,300 |
71,372 | 3,943559610690288647.5845.541110,61910,600
105,593 | 194,765 | 2.73 | ||
Uncharted Island | 823 | 5,600 2,400 |
55,325 | 6,0525044144546327712384496218,4137,200
67,312 | 135,437 | 2.45 | ||
Attila’s Palace | 665 | 6,600 2,500 |
65,128 | 5,21275449610943621101219466.572211,57413,600
115,563 | 200,891 | 3.08 | ||
10th Birthday Party | 528 | 3,600 2,600 |
35,095 | 3,22750771152.535436101928.52283115,36831,370
56,243 | 126,308 | 3.6 | ||
Chambers of 10th Birthday | 173 | 2,600 2,000 |
25,900 | 7,3801254441622.52788142642757677111037,16050,400
447,340 | 526,240 | 20.32 | ||
Story Totals | 4,981 | 39,200 20,100 |
386,917 | 1,111,476 | 1,691,408 | 4.37 |
Challenge Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Challenge 1 | 581 | 15,300 7,500 |
152,371 | 2,71620013244837.531.561892035239578182177323,52814,400
387,674 | 569,745 | 3.74 | ||
Challenge 2 | 1,003 | 25,400 10,000 |
253,679 | 6,86827513259245366207244737415212228348441,15728,400
675,814 | 983,293 | 3.88 | ||
Challenge 3 | 1,068 | 32,300 12,500 |
326,927 | 4,8523122428965549.5323512448478218122523912552,4812,500
1,028,910 | 1,390,637 | 4.25 | ||
Challenge Totals | 2,652 | 73,000 30,000 |
732,977 | 14,4377885061,93613811744747681,30919142832662902712117,16645,300
2,092,397 | 2,943,674 | 4.02 |
Event Summary | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
10th Birthday | 7,633 | 112,200 50,100 |
1,119,894 | 3,204,653 | Tiles: 1,119,894 Bonus: 112,200 XP in Mines: 199,115 Pillar XP: 3,204,653 |
4.14 |
Quest | Reward |
Trip Down the Memory Lane | 3,0001,0001,000
10th Birthday Gifts | 4,5001,5001,000
Explorer Mom | 4,5001,5001,050
10th Birthday Challenges | 3,0001,0001,000
Saddle Up! | 6,0002,0001,150
The Scourge of God | 7,5002,5001,200
Professor's Help | 9,0003,0001,250
Attila's Lost Weapon | 10,5003,5001,300
The Golden Arrow | 12,0004,0001,500
A Note from Mom | 15,0005,0002,000
Final Reward | 15,00030 (4,500)1
Level | Collect | Reward |
1 | 5 | 1,0002501 1,500
2 | 6 | 2,500500601,550
3 | 6 | 5,0001,000601,600
4 | 8 | 7,5001,5001 1,650
5 | 8 | 10,0003,000101,700
6 | 9 | 15,0006,00011,750
7 | 10 | 20,00010,00021,800
8 | 12 | 25,00020,000302,000
Total | 64 | 86,00042,2501 13,55060601 4012
XP Bonus | Part | Location | Event Pass | |
30,000 | Explorers’ Conference | 2,000 | ||
Wild Steppe | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Tomb | 2,000 | |||
Uncharted Island | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Palace | 2,000 |
Name | Return | Level | Cost | |
Birthday Cup of Chocolate | 350 | 55 | 1 | |
Piece of Blue Cake | 3,000 | 55 | 100 | |
Little Digger | 2,400 | 55 | 1 |
Food Value(s): | 300 |
Repeatable Mines | Clear Bonus | Cooldown | Chance | Tiles | Energy Cost | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Festive Room | 2,000 100 |
12 hours or 10 |
35% | 13 | 19,840 | 5010751521,0272,500
15,060 | 39,400 | 1.99 |
25% | 14 | 20,080 | 603.510.5521,0542,500
50,630 | 75,210 | 3.75 | |||
25% | 13 | 20,240 | 501210.53101021,0672,500
29,625 | 54,365 | 2.69 | |||
15% | 12 | 19,740 | 5013.521,0172,500
38,125 | 62,365 | 3.16 |
Energy Cost | Average Loot | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/Energy |
19,985 |,0422,500
31,054 | 55,539 | 2.78 |
Story Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Hungry Digger | 405 | 8,000 2,000 |
79,416 | 6,06017346501410220352113,98525,200
199,980 | 312,596 | 3.94 | ||
Explorers’ Conference | 425 | 8,500 2,000 |
84,925 | 7,780246945.59332.543901410220210114,71534,000
155,008 | 282,433 | 3.33 | ||
Wild Steppe | 589 | 9,900 2,100 |
99,056 | 4,84513.5173.519.5661221310021154106102115,41744,500
202,073 | 355,529 | 3.59 | ||
Attila’s Tomb | 463 | 11,900 2,200 |
118,655 | 9,0952712693.5104123810.5915024.520425412.52116,20924,000
300,650 | 455,205 | 3.84 | ||
Venerable University | 910 | 20,800 2,300 |
207,396 | 7,390271771233610.5130212565042081110,61933,500
353,345 | 615,041 | 2.97 | ||
Uncharted Island | 823 | 15,900 2,400 |
158,811 | 14,81013.52451793244914031.530635617.54218,41322,500
316,905 | 514,116 | 3.24 | ||
Attila’s Palace | 665 | 19,100 2,500 |
190,150 | 12,92513.524341321312831.5190213082072542211,57442,500
442,385 | 694,135 | 3.65 | ||
10th Birthday Party | 528 | 10,000 2,600 |
99,976 | 7,52513.512823.565965410.538017.5354203152115,36896,700
218,160 | 424,836 | 4.25 | ||
Chambers of 10th Birthday | 173 | 7,300 2,000 |
72,950 | 24,60024341439186241231.5922091501845116061037,160157,500
1,174,990 | 1,412,740 | 19.37 | ||
Story Totals | 4,981 | 111,400 20,100 |
1,111,335 | 3,363,495 | 5,066,630 | 4.56 |
Challenge Mines | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
Challenge 1 | 581 | 43,000 7,500 |
429,305 | 5,195278411917.545.5273024204221520988528105178087323,52844,000
1,282,273 | 1,798,578 | 4.19 | ||
Challenge 2 | 1,003 | 71,700 10,000 |
716,020 | 15,755818417031.55239361322073.5276501301254111534108128441,15788,500
2,088,060 | 2,964,280 | 4.14 | ||
Challenge 3 | 1,068 | 92,500 12,500 |
928,640 | 7,96013512015317.571.57536132361262172019617548195391101212552,4818,000
3,017,228 | 4,046,368 | 4.36 | ||
Challenge Totals | 2,652 | 207,200 30,000 |
2,073,965 | 6,387,560 | 8,809,225 | 4.25 |
Event Summary | Tiles | Clear Bonus | Energy Cost | Event | Rare | Loot (Average) | Pillar XP | Total XP | XP/E |
10th Birthday | 7,633 | 318,600 50,100 |
3,185,300 | 9,750,725 | Tiles: 3,185,300 Bonus: 318,600 XP in Mines: 620,900 Pillar XP: 9,750,725 |
4.36 |
Quest | Reward |
Trip Down the Memory Lane | 13,5004,5001,000
10th Birthday Gifts | 20,2506,7501,000
Explorer Mom | 20,2506,7501,050
10th Birthday Challenges | 13,5004,5001,000
Saddle Up! | 27,0009,0001,150
The Scourge of God | 33,75011,2501,200
Professor's Help | 40,50013,5001,250
Attila's Lost Weapon | 47,25015,7501,300
The Golden Arrow | 54,00018,0001,500
A Note from Mom | 67,50022,5002,000
Final Reward | 50,00030 (9,000)1
Level | Collect | Reward |
1 | 5 | 5,0002,0001 1,500
2 | 6 | 12,5003,000151,550
3 | 6 | 25,0005,000151,600
4 | 8 | 37,5007,5001 1,650
5 | 8 | 50,00010,000101,700
6 | 9 | 75,00012,50011,750
7 | 10 | 100,00015,00011,800
8 | 12 | 125,00030,000302,000
Total | 64 | 430,00085,0001 13,55015151 4011
XP Bonus | Part | Location | Event Pass | |
75,000 | Explorers’ Conference | 2,000 | ||
Wild Steppe | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Tomb | 2,000 | |||
Uncharted Island | 2,000 | |||
Attila’s Palace | 2,000 |