Diggy's Adventure Wiki

Facebook groups are the best way of finding help when stuck.
They are also a good way to find new neighbors and discussing Diggy's Adventure with experienced players!
Below is the breakdown of most notable Diggy's Adventure groups on Facebook.
In case your group fits the criteria and you want to be listed, contact us Here

International Groups
Group name Members
Top 5
Diggy's Adventure Help Group 41.042
Diggy Revolution 27.042
Diggy's Adventure Players 11.758
Diggy Game Tips and Information 6.385
League of Diggy Adventurers 5.017
1000+ members
Diggy United Group 3.491
Diggy's Adventure Help & Chat Group 3.268
Diggy's Friends 2.103
A & G Diggy's Adventure Group 1.577
Diggy's Adventure Friends 1.442
Crazy for Diggy 1.308
200+ members
Diggy's Sand Castle 968
Addicted to Diggy 923
Diggy's Tomb Raiders 906
Diggy's Adventure 846
Diggy's Guide To The Galaxy 685
Diggy's Adventure 658
Diggy's World 629
Diggy's 543
Diggy's Clearing Community 535
DIGGYS ADVENTURE We accept all gifts! 501
Diggy NSFW 277
National Groups
Country Group name Members
Czech Slovakia Czech & Slovak Diggy's Adventure CZECH&SLOVAK group 2,940
Czech Slovakia Czech & Slovak Diggy a radost z něj 278
Denmark Danish Danske Diggy Spiller 387
Finland Finnish Diggy's Adventure -SUOMI 612
France French Diggy's Adventures (groupe Francophone) 5,034
France French Les Aventures de Diggy 4,436
France French pour tous récup les bonus kdo du jour 985
France French Speed Diggy's 365
Germany German Rund um Diggy`s Adventure - Deutsche Gruppe 7,815
Germany German Deutsche Diggy's Adventure Gruppe 6,646
Greece Greek Greek Diggy's Adventure Group 888
Hungary Hungarian Magyar Diggy's Adventure Közösség 1,968
Hungary Hungarian Diggy Segítő csoport 717
Italy Italian DIGGYMANIA ITALIA 1,749
Italy Italian VIVA DIGGY!!! 1,522
Italy Italian Chat Amici group Diggy's 874
Italy Italian Pazzi per Diggy 664
Italy Italian L'isola di Diggy 517
Netherlands Belgium Dutch Diggy's Avontuur 1,351
Netherlands Belgium Dutch Diggy in 't Nederlands 1,069
Netherlands Belgium Dutch Diggy's Avontuur Helpdesk 722
Poland Polish Diggy's Adventure Polska Grupa 6,341
Poland Polish Diggy's Adventure Polska Fan Club 791
Portugal Brazil Portuguese As Aventuras de Diggy 648
Portugal Portuguese Os fanáticos do Diggy 415
Romania Romanian Diggy's Adventure- ROMANIA 800
Spain Spanish Diggy's Adventure Ayuda en Español 2,557
Spain Spanish Diggy's en español 1,131
Spain Spanish DIGGY'S ESPAÑA 899
Spain Spanish Aventura de Diggy -Español- 942
Spain Spanish Bonus de Diggy's - Internacional 285
Taiwanese China2 Taiwanese/Chinese Diggy中文社 1,140
Flag-Turkey Turkish Diggys TURK FAN 357
Flag-Turkey Turkish Diggy Türkiye 348
Community Pages
Page name About
Diggy's Adventure Official site of the maker
DAF2 homepage Daf2 helper extension
Pixelfederation Forum Forum
Wiki Maps site all maps & videos

Specialized Groups
Group name Specialty Members
Diggy's Adventure - Add Me Add me group 7,615
Diggy's Adventure, level 100+ add me group Add me group 1,138
Diggy's Adventure Secure Group - DASG Add me group, privacy settings FB activated 590
DA Mars ADD ME Add me group, Mars region only 176
DA Terra ADD ME Add me group, Terra region only 329
Absentee Players group identifying inactive or deceased players 1,942
Diggy's Links exchange Group Reward Links exchange Group 3,819
Reward links DIGGY pixel and fb version Reward Links exchange Group (active) 2,588
Masters of Diggy Atlantis+, level 300+, 3+ dragon eggs. 447
Diggy Survey only polls/surveys about the game 645
Diggy Fake News Humor 237