Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Diggy's Adventure Wiki

This page is dedicated to Green and Red Rings and the rewards you can get from them.


Green Rings[]

Green rings are rare items which can be used to open treasure chests in special locations.


Acquiring Green Rings[]

Notable ways of acquiring green rings include:

Using your Green Rings[]

Each Green Ring mine consists of 17 treasure chests. You must open all of them. Each contains valuable materials.
The 168 hours (1 week) reset counter activates only after you completely clear a mine. Alternatively, the cooldown wait can be skipped by spending 25 Mat002

Calculating the amount of materials[]

The amount of materials found in the treasure chests is decided by the players' levels. Below is the formula, which you can use to calculate the amount of materials you will receive from any of the chests:

(Plvl * Multiplier * Value) + Value

Plvl - player level, your own level, visible at the top of the screen
Multiplier - The multiplier value for Chambers of Fortune is always 0.10
Value - this is the value, which is set separately for every chest, values are set in ranges, for example 13-17

The decimals in results are always rounded DOWN

You can find all the values for all 17 chests for each mine in the tables below. In case of multiple chests, the ones with smaller values are always those you encounter as the first in the mine.

Practical Example[]

Let's assume a level 150 player enters the Chambers of Fortune. And opens the first chest with Stone (STONE 1). According to the aforementioned formula, these will be the possible results:

(150*0.10*15)+15 = 240
(150*0.10*16)+16 = 256
(150*0.10*17)+17 = 272
(150*0.10*18)+18 = 288

There are four possible amounts of stone to get at level 150 from Stone 1 chest, because the range of values ascribed to it is 15-18 (15, 16, 17, 18).

Now let's check the same for a level 254 player.

(254*0.10*15)+15 = 396
(254*0.10*16)+16 = 422.4 ~422
(254*0.10*17)+17 = 448.8 ~448
(254*0.10*18)+18 = 475.2 ~475

As you can see the amounts are rounded down.

Using the values from the table above, you can calculate possible loot from the green rings chest, simply by inserting your level into the equation. You can also just calculate the lowest and the highest value, to receive the range - for example in the last example, the lowest stone amount you can get from that chest on level 254 would be 396 and the highest would be 475

Chambers of Fortune (Egypt)[]

Players who entered Scandinavia can also access this repeatable mine again by choosing Egypt and going to the repeatable tab.

  • Opens after 9th quest under god Anubis.
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002

Chambers of Fortune

The multiplier value for Chambers of Fortune is always 0.10

Til0212 Values Range
Mat001 290-310
Mat001 580-630
Mat001 890-920
Mat007 13-17
Mat007 20-25
Mat007 30-34
Mat022 15-18
Mat022 20-24
Mat006 Mat009 7-9Mat006 7-9Mat009
Mat006 Mat009 10-11 Mat006 9-11 Mat009
Mat011 Mat029 Mat020 5-7Mat011 11-13Mat029 11-13Mat020
Mat021 Mat029 Mat020 5-7Mat021 17-20Mat029 17-20Mat020
Mat019 Mat029 Mat020 24-28Mat019 24-28Mat029 24-28Mat020
Mat031 Mat030 10-14Mat031 10-14Mat030
Mat031 Mat030 16-20Mat031 16-20Mat030
Mat033 Mat003 9-11Mat033 8-10Mat003
Mat033 Mat003 11-13Mat033 10-12Mat003

Palace of Fortune (China)[]

The repeatable location Palace of Fortune was introduced to the game on 5th July 2016. It allows players to use their green rings to get Chinese materials.

  • Opens by a quest: Paved Road (9th China) - (Same as the Shale Deposit and Ruby Rubble)
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002


Til0820 Values Range Multiplier
Mat001 330-370 0.10
Mat001 630-670 0.10
Mat001 930-970 0.10
Mat095 1-2 0.04
Mat095 3-4 0.04
Mat099 3-4 0.06
Mat099 5-7 0.06
Mat094 4-5 0.06
Mat094 6-8 0.06
Mat096 2-3 0.02
Mat009 13-17 0.15
Mat091 8-10 0.15
Mat091 12-16 0.15
Mat098 1 0.08
Mat098 2 0.08
Mat097 6-7 0.11
Mat097 8-10 0.11

Reef of Fortune (Atlantis)[]

The repeatable location Palace of Fortune was introduced to the game in September 2017. It allows players to use their green rings to get Atlantean materials.

  • Open after completion of "Missing Servitor" (4th Location in Atlantis: Empty City)
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002


Material Values Range Multiplier
Mat001 400-450 0.10
Mat001 700-750 0.10
Mat001 1000-1050 0.10
Mat147 2-3 0.05
Mat147 3-4 0.05
Mat147 4-5 0.05
Mat145 3 0.05
Mat145 4 0.05
Mat145 5 0.05
Mat146 1-2 0.08
Mat146 2 0.08
Mat146 2-3 0.08
Mat144 4 0.10
Mat144 4-5 0.10
Mat144 5-6 0.10
Mat148 2-3 0.02
Mat149 1 0.02

Temple of Fortune (Greece)[]

The repeatable location Temple of Fortune was introduced to the game in July 2018. It allows players to use their green rings to get Atlantean/Greek materials.

  • Opens after completion of "The Grand Greek City" (6th Location in Greece: Athens Square)
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002


Material Values Range Multiplier
Mat001 450-500 0.1
Mat001 750-800 0.1
Mat001 1050-1100 0.1
Mat147 4 0.05
Mat147 5 0.05
Mat145 4-5 0.05
Mat145 5-6 0.05
Mat193 3-4 0.05
Mat193 4-5 0.05
Mat198 3-4 0.04
Mat198 4-5 0.04
Mat194, Mat009 5-6 Mat194, 5-6 Mat009 0.1 Mat194, 0.1 Mat009
Mat195, Mat009 4-5 Mat195, 5-6 Mat009 0.07 Mat195, 0.1 Mat009
Mat146, Mat098, Mat021, Mat011 2 Mat146, 3 Mat098, 8-10 Mat021, 8-10 Mat011 0.1 All
Mat196, Mat009 2-3 Mat196, 5-6 Mat009 0.05 Mat196, 0.1 Mat009
Mat148 3 0.02
Mat199 2-3 0.02

Shrine of Fortune (New World)[]

The repeatable location Temple of Fortune was introduced to the game in August 2019.

  • Opens after completion of "Diamonds Are Forever" (repeatable Diamond Mine & Adjacent Plains)
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002


Material Values Range Multiplier
Mat001 600-700 0.1
Mat001 800-1000 0.1
Mat001 1200-1400 0.1
Mat147 6 0.04
Mat198 5 0.04
Mat267 3-4 0.04
Mat267 4-5 0.04
Mat266 3-4 0.05
Mat266 4-5 0.05
Mat195 Mat011 Mat021 4-6Mat195 9-11Mat011 9-11Mat021 0.06Mat195 0.1Mat011 0.1Mat021
Mat271 5-6 0.1
Mat272 5-6 0.07
Mat265 Mat009 2-3Mat265 5-6Mat009 0.05Mat265 0.1Mat009
Mat148 Mat009 4-5Mat148 6-7Mat009 0.02Mat148 0.1Mat009
Mat199 Mat009 3-4Mat199 6-7Mat009 0.02Mat199 0.1Mat009
Mat268 1 0.02
Mat269 2 0.02

Module of Fortune (Terra)[]

The repeatable location Temple of Fortune was introduced to the game in February 2021.

  • Opens after completion of "My Precious Opal" (repeatable Opal Room)
  • Cooldown time: 168 hours (1 week) or Instant Cooldown: 25 Mat002


Material Values Range Multiplier
Mat001 700-800 0.1
Mat001 900-1100 0.1
Mat001 1300-1500 0.1
Mat199 3-4 0.02
Mat328 6 0.04
Mat330 3-4 0.05
Mat330 4-5 0.05
Mat331 3-4 0.04
Mat331 4-5 0.04
Mat334 4-5 0.1
Mat335 5-6 0.1
Mat333 Mat009 2-3Mat333 5-6Mat009 0.05Mat333 0.1Mat009
Mat267 Mat009 4-5Mat267 6-7Mat009 0.04Mat267 0.1Mat009
Mat267 Mat009 5-6Mat267 6-7Mat009 0.04Mat267 0.1Mat009
Mat269 2-3 0.02
Mat332 1 0.02
Mat195 Mat021 Mat011 Mat272 5-7Mat195 9-11Mat021 9-11Mat011 5-6Mat272 0.06Mat195 0.1Mat021 0.1Mat011 0.07Mat272

Red Rings[]

For more information on Red rings and Red ring week, go to: Red Ring Special Week

Christmas Rings[]

These rings can be acquired during the Christmas events.
Using the rings in the Christmas Fortune mines can only be done in the single Christmas Fortune mine available to your Region.
There is no level component. Everyone in your region gets the same amount of materials with a min and max value set.

Details on the mine can be found in each separate Christmas Event page.
