Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Somewhere among tropical islands, mythical mermaids live under the sea. Can you unveil the mystery and help the famous singer Lady Lala film her music video?

Segmented Segmented Free Event, First Released September 1, 2020

Details by Region[]

Click your region icon (below) for detailed information:

Region 1Egypt
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Island of Old Fishermen 453 540Sys001
5,242Nrg 5Mat324 1Mat325 1,477.5Mat001 5Mat003 10Mat006 31Mat007 2Mat008 14Mat009 3Mat011 18Mat019 24Mat020 1Mat021 39Mat022 36Mat029 6Mat032 12Mat033 6Mat035 450 FOOD (200 TOTAL) 1,000Sys001 5,242PassXP 21,928 28,710 5.48
Pirate King's Island 697 620Sys001
5,808Nrg 6Mat324 1Mat002 2,880Mat001 10Mat003 8Mat006 40.5Mat007 5Mat008 31.5Mat009 8Mat011 51Mat019 21Mat020 6Mat021 43.5Mat022 18Mat029 10.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 5Mat032 12Mat033 4Mat035 650 FOOD (300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 4,900Sys001 5,808PassXP 29,153 40,481 6.97
Lost Tropical Island 832 680Sys001
6,797Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat002 2,475Mat001 22.5Mat003 4Mat006 62.5Mat007 5Mat008 31.5Mat009 5Mat011 21Mat019 12Mat020 9Mat021 55Mat022 51Mat029 3.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 5Mat032 6Mat033 5Mat035 650 FOOD (300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 4,400Sys001 6,797PassXP 28,833 40,710 5.99
Mermaid Realm 658 1,000Sys001
9,997Nrg 7Mat324 1Mat047 2,559.5Mat001 2.5Mat003 12Mat006 20Mat007 4Mat008 3Mat011 24Mat019 15Mat020 3Mat021 40Mat022 36Mat029 6Mat032 14Mat033 13Mat035 650 FOOD (300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 4,200Sys001 9,997PassXP 67,050 82,247 8.23
Total 2,640 2,840Sys001
27,844Nrg 25Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 1Mat047 9,392Mat001 40Mat003 34Mat006 154Mat007 16Mat008 77Mat009 19Mat011 114Mat019 72Mat020 19Mat021 177.5Mat022 141Mat029 14Mat030 7Mat031 22Mat032 44Mat033 28Mat035 2250 FOOD (1,100 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 14,500Sys001 27,844PassXP 146,962 192,146 6.9
Challenge Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
1st Players' Challenge 2020 684 2,510Sys001
25,013Nrg 9Mat324 1Mat047 3,641Mat001 27.5Mat003 8Mat006 80.5Mat007 8Mat008 35Mat009 4Mat011 39Mat019 57Mat020 6Mat021 73.5Mat022 48Mat029 10Mat032 22Mat033 12Mat035 1050 FOOD (500 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 10,900Sys001 25,013PassXP 87,976 126,399 5.05
2nd Players' Challenge 2020 1,019 2,770Sys001
27,680Nrg 9Mat324 1Mat047 4,948.5Mat001 7.5Mat003 20Mat006 47.5Mat007 9Mat008 50.5Mat009 4Mat011 30Mat019 57Mat020 4Mat021 78.5Mat022 33Mat029 9Mat032 26Mat033 20Mat035 1650 FOOD (800 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 7,600Sys001 27,680PassXP 92,906 130,956 4.73
Total 1,703 5,280Sys001
52,693Nrg 18Mat324 2Mat047 8,589.5Mat001 35Mat003 28Mat006 128Mat007 17Mat008 85.5Mat009 8Mat011 69Mat019 114Mat020 10Mat021 152Mat022 81Mat029 19Mat032 48Mat033 32Mat035 2650 FOOD (1,300 TOTAL) 5GenericChild 18,500Sys001 52,693PassXP 180,882 257,355 4.88
Event Summary
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Event Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Players' Event 2020 4,343 8,120Sys001
80,537Nrg 43Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 3Mat047 17,981.5Mat001 75Mat003 62Mat006 282Mat007 33Mat008 162.5Mat009 27Mat011 183Mat019 186Mat020 29Mat021 329.5Mat022 222Mat029 14Mat030 7Mat031 41Mat032 92Mat033 60Mat035 4850 FOOD (2,400 TOTAL) 8GenericChild 33,000Sys001 80,537PassXP
Mat001(17,981) Mat003(4,500) Mat006(9,300) Mat007(8,460) Mat008(47,850) Mat009(12,187) Mat011(1,620) Mat019(5,490) Mat020(3,720) Mat021(1,740) Mat022(16,475) Mat029(4,440) Mat032(41,000) Mat033(17,480) Mat035(15,600) Mat047(120,000)
(Tiles) 80,537
+    33,000
Quest Reward
Lady Lala And the Mermaid Myth 100Mat001 300Sys001 750PassXP
Players' Challenges 2020 100Mat001 300Sys001 800PassXP
Gremlin Guardian 500Mat001 1,500Sys001 1,750PassXP
Mermaid Mystery 400Mat001 1,200Sys001 1,000PassXP
Final Reward 3,000Sys001 3050 FOOD (1,500 TOTAL) (1,500Nrg) 1Use0027
Achievement (Born to Be a Star)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat324 100Sys001 150Mat001 1Use0036 1,000PassXP
2 2Mat324 250Sys001 250Mat001 20Mat007 1,100PassXP
3 2Mat324 500Sys001 500Mat001 20Mat022 1,200PassXP
4 3Mat324 750Sys001 750Mat001 1Use0047 1,300PassXP
5 3Mat324 1,000Sys001 1,000Mat001 10Mat002 1,400PassXP
6 4Mat324 1,500Sys001 1,500Mat001 1Tok0032 1,500PassXP
7 5Mat324 2,000Sys001 2,000Mat001 1Mat047 1,800PassXP
8 5Mat324 2,500Sys001 2,500Mat001 30Mat002 2,000PassXP Dec1226
Total 25Mat324
8,600Sys001 8,650Mat001 1Use0036 11,300PassXP 20Mat007 20Mat022 1Use0047 40Mat002 1Tok0032 1Mat047 Dec1226
Treasure (Story Poster Vol.3)
XP Bonus Part Location Event Pass XP
179 7,000Sys001 880 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
881 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
882 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
883 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
884 Mermaid Realm 1,700PassXP
Event Pass
Level Requirement Regular Row Premium Row
1 3,000PassXP 150Nrg Oft013
2 9,500PassXP 1,000Mat001 1,000Nrg
3 16,000PassXP 500Sys001 1Tok0032
4 22,500PassXP 7Mat011 3150 FOOD (450 TOTAL) (450Nrg)
5 29,000PassXP 1150 FOOD (150 TOTAL) (150Nrg) Bld13003
600Capacity 2x1
6 35,500PassXP 7Mat021 100Mat002
7 42,000PassXP 300Nrg 2,000Nrg
8 48,500PassXP 3,000Mat001 2Tok0032
9 55,000PassXP 2,000Sys001 5150 FOOD (750 TOTAL) (750Nrg)
10 61,500PassXP 2150 FOOD (300 TOTAL) (300Nrg) Bld13009
750Capacity 2x1
11 68,000PassXP 800Nrg 250Mat002
12 74,500PassXP 5Mat035 4,000Nrg
13 81,000PassXP 3Mat032 3Tok0032
14 87,500PassXP 10,000Mat001 10150 FOOD (1,500 TOTAL) (1,500Nrg)
15 94,000PassXP 20Mat002 Bld13015
180Regeneration 2x2
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
12961 Golden Vizsla 2x1 1 64 64 20 61Mat325
12967 Gremlin Statue 3x1 3 52 52 20 9Mat324 5,000Mat001
12985 Merman Statue 3x1 3 295 295 20 9Mat324 5,000Mat001
12973 Stone Gremlin 2x1 2 58 58 35 17Mat324 6,000Mat001
12991 Stone Merman 2x1 2 360 360 35 17Mat324 6,000Mat001
12979 Island Gremlin 2x1 1 62 62 50 32Mat324 10,000Mat001
12997 Bearded Merman 2x1 1 395 395 50 32Mat324 10,000Mat001
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
5357 Seashell Cakes 100Nrg 20 1Mat324
5363 Super Seashell Cakes 2,000Nrg 20 100Mat002
1220 Mermaid Mic Stand 600Sys001 20 1Mat324
0032 Green Ring Tok0032 20 10Mat325
5369 Pixel Federation Cookie 120Nrg 20 5Mat325
Region 2Scandinavia
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Island of Old Fishermen 453 3,300Sys001
31,895Nrg 5Mat324 1Mat325 3,096.5Mat001 25Mat003 55Mat006 166.5Mat007 5Mat008 40.5Mat009 6Mat011 54Mat019 2Mat021 163.5Mat022 18Mat032 57Mat033 2Mat035 70Mat181 6Mat182 4150 FOOD (600 TOTAL) 6,850Sys001 5,242PassXP 85,054 127,099 3.98
Pirate King's Island 697 3,700Sys001
33,841Nrg 6Mat324 1Mat002 2Mat047 6,537Mat001 50Mat003 44Mat006 182Mat007 12.5Mat008 97.5Mat009 10Mat011 153Mat019 10Mat021 181.5Mat022 10.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 15Mat032 57Mat033 2Mat035 45.5Mat181 4Mat182 6150 FOOD (900 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 33,750Sys001 5,808PassXP 179,585 250,876 7.41
Lost Tropical Island 832 4,100Sys001
40,583Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat002 2Mat047 4,350Mat001 112.5Mat003 22Mat006 272.5Mat007 12.5Mat008 89Mat009 6Mat011 63Mat019 14Mat021 219.5Mat022 3.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 15Mat032 28.5Mat033 2Mat035 73.5Mat181 5Mat182 6150 FOOD (900 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 29,200Sys001 6,797PassXP 179,370 253,253 6.24
Mermaid Realm 658 5,400Sys001
53,549Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat047 5,787.5Mat001 12.5Mat003 66Mat006 128Mat007 10Mat008 6Mat011 72Mat019 6Mat021 176Mat022 18Mat032 66.5Mat033 4Mat035 59.5Mat181 13Mat182 6150 FOOD (900 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 19,800Sys001 9,997PassXP 179,948 258,697 4.83
Total 2,640 16,500Sys001
159,868Nrg 25Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 6Mat047 19,771Mat001 200Mat003 187Mat006 749Mat007 40Mat008 227Mat009 28Mat011 342Mat019 32Mat021 740.5Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 66Mat032 209Mat033 10Mat035 248.5Mat181 28Mat182 22150 FOOD (3,300 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 89,600Sys001 27,844PassXP 623,956 889,924 5.57
Challenge Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
1st Players' Challenge 2020 684 16,000Sys001
159,147Nrg 9Mat324 5Mat047 1Mat092 8,684.5Mat001 137.5Mat003 44Mat006 434Mat007 20Mat008 97Mat009 8Mat011 117Mat019 12Mat021 300Mat022 30Mat032 104.5Mat033 8Mat035 122.5Mat181 12Mat182 10150 FOOD (1,500 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 87,200Sys001 25,013PassXP 476,100 738,447 4.64
2nd Players' Challenge 2020 1,019 17,800Sys001
177,855Nrg 9Mat324 5Mat047 1Mat092 11,630.5Mat001 37.5Mat003 110Mat006 289.5Mat007 22.5Mat008 138.5Mat009 8Mat011 90Mat019 8Mat021 326.5Mat022 27Mat032 123.5Mat033 4Mat035 105Mat181 20Mat182 16150 FOOD (2,400 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 59,650Sys001 27,680PassXP 489,418 744,723 4.19
Total 1,703 33,800Sys001
337,002Nrg 18Mat324 10Mat047 2Mat092 20,315Mat001 175Mat003 154Mat006 723.5Mat007 42.5Mat008 235.5Mat009 16Mat011 207Mat019 20Mat021 626.5Mat022 57Mat032 228Mat033 12Mat035 227.5Mat181 32Mat182 26150 FOOD (3,900 TOTAL) 5GenericChild 146,850Sys001 52,693PassXP 965,518 1,483,170 4.4
Event Summary
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Event Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Players' Event 2020 4,343 50,300Sys001
496,870Nrg 43Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 16Mat047 2Mat092 40,086Mat001 375Mat003 341Mat006 1,472.5Mat007 82.5Mat008 462.5Mat009 44Mat011 549Mat019 52Mat021 1,367Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 123Mat032 437Mat033 22Mat035 476Mat181 60Mat182 48150 FOOD (7,200 TOTAL) 8GenericChild 236,450Sys001 80,537PassXP
Mat001(40,086) Mat003(22,500) Mat006(51,150) Mat007(44,175) Mat008(119,625) Mat009(34,687) Mat011(2,640) Mat019(16,470) Mat021(3,120) Mat022(68,350) Mat032(123,000) Mat033(83,030) Mat035(5,720) Mat047(640,000) Mat092(200,000) Mat181(80,920) Mat182(54,000)
(Tiles) 496,870
+    236,450
Quest Reward
Lady Lala And the Mermaid Myth 1,000Mat001 3,000Sys001 750PassXP
Players' Challenges 2020 1,000Mat001 3,000Sys001 800PassXP
Gremlin Guardian 5,000Mat001 15,000Sys001 1,750PassXP
Mermaid Mystery 4,000Mat001 12,000Sys001 1,000PassXP
Final Reward 9,000Sys001 30150 FOOD (4,500 TOTAL) (4,500Nrg) 1Use0027
Achievement (Born to Be a Star)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat324 1,000Sys001 250Mat001 1Use0036 1,000PassXP
2 2Mat324 2,500Sys001 500Mat001 60Mat007 1,100PassXP
3 2Mat324 5,000Sys001 1,000Mat001 60Mat022 1,200PassXP
4 3Mat324 7,500Sys001 1,500Mat001 1Use0047 1,300PassXP
5 3Mat324 10,000Sys001 3,000Mat001 10Mat002 1,400PassXP
6 4Mat324 15,000Sys001 6,000Mat001 1Tok0032 1,500PassXP
7 5Mat324 20,000Sys001 10,000Mat001 2Mat047 1,800PassXP
8 5Mat324 25,000Sys001 20,000Mat001 30Mat002 2,000PassXP Dec1226
Total 25Mat324
86,000Sys001 42,250Mat001 1Use0036 11,300PassXP 60Mat007 60Mat022 1Use0047 40Mat002 1Tok0032 2Mat047 Dec1226
Treasure (Story Poster Vol.3)
XP Bonus Part Location Event Pass XP
179 30,000Sys001 880 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
881 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
882 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
883 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
884 Mermaid Realm 1,700PassXP
Event Pass
Level Requirement Regular Row Premium Row
1 3,000PassXP 650Nrg Oft013
2 9,500PassXP 5,000Mat001 4,500Nrg
3 16,000PassXP 5,000Sys001 1Tok0032
4 22,500PassXP 8Mat011 3600 FOOD (1,800 TOTAL) (1,800Nrg)
5 29,000PassXP 1600 FOOD (600 TOTAL) (600Nrg) Bld13003
950Capacity 2x1
6 35,500PassXP 8Mat021 100Mat002
7 42,000PassXP 1,300Nrg 9,000Nrg
8 48,500PassXP 15,000Mat001 2Tok0032
9 55,000PassXP 20,000Sys001 5600 FOOD (3,000 TOTAL) (3,000Nrg)
10 61,500PassXP 2600 FOOD (1,200 TOTAL) (1,200Nrg) Bld13009
1,100Capacity 2x1
11 68,000PassXP 3,450Nrg 250Mat002
12 74,500PassXP 5Mat182 18,000Nrg
13 81,000PassXP 6Mat008 3Tok0032
14 87,500PassXP 1Mat047 10600 FOOD (6,000 TOTAL) (6,000Nrg)
15 94,000PassXP 20Mat002 Bld13015
250Regeneration 2x2
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
12961 Golden Vizsla 2x1 1 101 101 20 61Mat325
12967 Gremlin Statue 3x1 3 87 87 55 9Mat324 15,000Mat001
12985 Merman Statue 3x1 3 630 630 55 9Mat324 15,000Mat001
12973 Stone Gremlin 2x1 2 94 94 70 17Mat324 20,000Mat001
12991 Stone Merman 2x1 2 700 700 70 17Mat324 20,000Mat001
12979 Island Gremlin 2x1 1 99 99 90 32Mat324 30,000Mat001
12997 Bearded Merman 2x1 1 750 750 90 32Mat324 30,000Mat001
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
0032 Green Ring Tok0032 20 10Mat325
5357 Seashell Cakes 350Nrg 55 1Mat324
5363 Super Seashell Cakes 3,000Nrg 55 100Mat002
1220 Mermaid Mic Stand 2,400Sys001 55 1Mat324
5369 Pixel Federation Cookie 420Nrg 55 5Mat325
Region 3China
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Island of Old Fishermen 453 9,300Sys001
91,480Nrg 5Mat324 1Mat325 1Mat047 7,245Mat001 27Mat003 71.5Mat007 71.5Mat009 21Mat011 3Mat021 94.5Mat022 4Mat032 42Mat033 6Mat035 200Mat091 28Mat094 32.5Mat095 8Mat096 30Mat097 6Mat098 30Mat099 2Mat182 4300 FOOD (1,200 TOTAL) 21,500Sys001 5,242PassXP 359,068 481,348 5.26
Pirate King's Island 697 9,900Sys001
96,100Nrg 6Mat324 1Mat002 2Mat047 1Mat092 17,560Mat001 27Mat003 60Mat006 96Mat007 7Mat008 175.5Mat009 18Mat011 14Mat021 107.5Mat022 10.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 4Mat032 6Mat035 130Mat091 31.5Mat094 35Mat095 10Mat096 85Mat097 4Mat098 32.5Mat099 2Mat182 6300 FOOD (1,800 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 105,500Sys001 5,808PassXP 591,323 802,823 8.35
Lost Tropical Island 832 11,500Sys001
114,490Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat002 1Mat047 1Mat092 9,400Mat001 27Mat003 24Mat006 202.5Mat007 7Mat008 156Mat009 19Mat011 19Mat021 186.5Mat022 3.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 4Mat032 21Mat033 210Mat091 35Mat094 35Mat095 10Mat096 35Mat097 5Mat098 30Mat099 2Mat182 6300 FOOD (1,800 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 90,500Sys001 6,797PassXP 529,840 746,330 6.52
Mermaid Realm 658 15,300Sys001
152,750Nrg 7Mat324 1Mat047 1Mat092 15,425Mat001 13.5Mat003 24Mat006 17Mat007 3.5Mat008 15Mat011 9Mat021 60Mat022 12Mat032 9Mat035 170Mat091 28Mat094 35Mat095 10Mat096 40Mat097 13Mat098 40Mat099 4Mat182 6300 FOOD (1,800 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 63,000Sys001 9,997PassXP 528,140 759,190 4.97
Total 2,640 46,000Sys001
454,820Nrg 25Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 5Mat047 3Mat092 49,630Mat001 94.5Mat003 108Mat006 387Mat007 17.5Mat008 403Mat009 73Mat011 45Mat021 448.5Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 24Mat032 63Mat033 21Mat035 710Mat091 122.5Mat094 137.5Mat095 38Mat096 190Mat097 28Mat098 132.5Mat099 10Mat182 22300 FOOD (6,600 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 280,500Sys001 27,844PassXP 2,008,370 2,789,690 6.13
Challenge Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
1st Players' Challenge 2020 684 44,000Sys001
439,910Nrg 9Mat324 6Mat047 1Mat092 1Mat143 24,735Mat001 13.5Mat003 72Mat006 250Mat007 10.5Mat008 169Mat009 27Mat011 18Mat021 181Mat022 16Mat032 42Mat033 3Mat035 350Mat091 73.5Mat094 65Mat095 18Mat096 65Mat097 12Mat098 47.5Mat099 8Mat182 10300 FOOD (3,000 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 272,500Sys001 25,013PassXP 1,202,360 1,958,770 4.45
2nd Players' Challenge 2020 1,019 49,500Sys001
494,100Nrg 9Mat324 7Mat047 1Mat092 1Mat143 32,065Mat001 94.5Mat003 24Mat006 83.5Mat007 17.5Mat008 240.5Mat009 27Mat011 12Mat021 184.5Mat022 8Mat032 31.5Mat033 15Mat035 300Mat091 59.5Mat094 65Mat095 18Mat096 50Mat097 20Mat098 57.5Mat099 4Mat182 16300 FOOD (4,800 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 186,500Sys001 27,680PassXP 1,246,088 1,976,188 4
Total 1,703 93,500Sys001
934,010Nrg 18Mat324 13Mat047 2Mat092 2Mat143 56,800Mat001 108Mat003 96Mat006 333.5Mat007 28Mat008 409.5Mat009 54Mat011 30Mat021 365.5Mat022 24Mat032 73.5Mat033 18Mat035 650Mat091 133Mat094 130Mat095 36Mat096 115Mat097 32Mat098 105Mat099 12Mat182 26300 FOOD (7,800 TOTAL) 5GenericChild 459,000Sys001 52,693PassXP 2,448,448 3,934,958 4.21
Event Summary
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Event Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Players' Event 2020 4,343 139,500Sys001
1,388,830Nrg 43Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 18Mat047 5Mat092 2Mat143 106,430Mat001 202.5Mat003 204Mat006 720.5Mat007 45.5Mat008 812.5Mat009 127Mat011 75Mat021 814Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 48Mat032 136.5Mat033 39Mat035 1,360Mat091 255.5Mat094 267.5Mat095 74Mat096 305Mat097 60Mat098 237.5Mat099 22Mat182 48300 FOOD (14,400 TOTAL) 8GenericChild 739,500Sys001 80,537PassXP
Mat001(106,430) Mat003(12,150) Mat006(30,600) Mat007(21,615) Mat008(65,975) Mat009(60,937) Mat011(7,620) Mat021(4,500) Mat022(40,700) Mat032(48,000) Mat033(25,935) Mat035(10,140) Mat047(720,000) Mat091(108,800) Mat092(500,000) Mat094(173,740) Mat095(561,750) Mat096(1,221,000) Mat097(152,500) Mat098(96,000) Mat099(168,625) Mat143(300,000) Mat182(19,800)
(Tiles) 1,388,830
+    739,500
Quest Reward
Lady Lala And the Mermaid Myth 4,500Mat001 13,500Sys001 750PassXP
Players' Challenges 2020 4,500Mat001 13,500Sys001 800PassXP
Gremlin Guardian 22,500Mat001 67,500Sys001 1,750PassXP
Mermaid Mystery 18,000Mat001 54,000Sys001 1,000PassXP
Final Reward 30,000Sys001 30300 FOOD (9,000 TOTAL) (9,000Nrg) 1Use0027
Achievement (Born to Be a Star)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat324 5,000Sys001 2,000Mat001 1Use0036 1,000PassXP
2 2Mat324 12,500Sys001 3,000Mat001 15Mat094 1,100PassXP
3 2Mat324 25,000Sys001 5,000Mat001 15Mat099 1,200PassXP
4 3Mat324 37,500Sys001 7,500Mat001 1Use0047 1,300PassXP
5 3Mat324 50,000Sys001 10,000Mat001 10Mat002 1,400PassXP
6 4Mat324 75,000Sys001 12,500Mat001 1Tok0032 1,500PassXP
7 5Mat324 100,000Sys001 15,000Mat001 1Mat092 1,800PassXP
8 5Mat324 125,000Sys001 30,000Mat001 30Mat002 2,000PassXP Dec1226
Total 25Mat324
430,000Sys001 85,000Mat001 1Use0036 11,300PassXP 15Mat094 15Mat099 1Use0047 40Mat002 1Tok0032 1Mat092 Dec1226
Treasure (Story Poster Vol.3)
XP Bonus Part Location Event Pass XP
179 75,000Sys001 880 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
881 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
882 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
883 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
884 Mermaid Realm 1,700PassXP
Event Pass
Level Requirement Regular Row Premium Row
1 3,000PassXP 1,300Nrg Oft013
2 9,500PassXP 10,000Mat001 8,750Nrg
3 16,000PassXP 25,000Sys001 1Tok0032
4 22,500PassXP 9Mat011 31,500 FOOD (4,500 TOTAL) (4,500Nrg)
5 29,000PassXP 11,500 FOOD (1,500 TOTAL) (1,500Nrg) Bld13003
1,450Capacity 2x1
6 35,500PassXP 9Mat021 100Mat002
7 42,000PassXP 2,600Nrg 17,500Nrg
8 48,500PassXP 30,000Mat001 2Tok0032
9 55,000PassXP 100,000Sys001 51,500 FOOD (7,500 TOTAL) (7,500Nrg)
10 61,500PassXP 21,500 FOOD (3,000 TOTAL) (3,000Nrg) Bld13009
1,650Capacity 2x1
11 68,000PassXP 6,900Nrg 250Mat002
12 74,500PassXP 5Mat098 35,000Nrg
13 81,000PassXP 1Mat096 3Tok0032
14 87,500PassXP 1Mat092 101,500 FOOD (15,000 TOTAL) (15,000Nrg)
15 94,000PassXP 20Mat002 Bld13015
360Regeneration 2x2
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
12961 Golden Vizsla 2x1 1 157 157 20 61Mat325
12967 Gremlin Statue 3x1 3 141 141 100 9Mat324 40,000Mat001
12985 Merman Statue 3x1 3 1,080 1,080 100 9Mat324 40,000Mat001
12973 Stone Gremlin 2x1 2 149 149 115 17Mat324 50,000Mat001
12991 Stone Merman 2x1 2 1,160 1,160 115 17Mat324 50,000Mat001
12979 Island Gremlin 2x1 1 155 155 140 32Mat324 65,000Mat001
12997 Bearded Merman 2x1 1 1,220 1,220 140 32Mat324 65,000Mat001
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
0032 Green Ring Tok0032 20 10Mat325
5357 Seashell Cakes 1,000Nrg 100 1Mat324
5363 Super Seashell Cakes 6,500Nrg 100 100Mat002
1220 Mermaid Mic Stand 7,500Sys001 100 1Mat324
5369 Pixel Federation Cookie 1,200Nrg 100 5Mat325
Region 4Atlantis
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Island of Old Fishermen 453 18,400Sys001
181,690Nrg 5Mat324 1Mat325 2Mat047 11,144Mat001 29Mat003 121Mat007 116Mat009 28Mat011 4Mat021 138Mat022 5Mat032 46Mat033 48Mat094 6Mat096 60Mat097 2Mat098 120Mat144 36Mat145 6Mat146 32.5Mat147 8Mat148 6Mat182 4550 FOOD (2,200 TOTAL) 43,000Sys001 5,242PassXP 837,364 1,080,454 5.95
Pirate King's Island 697 21,000Sys001
199,620Nrg 6Mat324 1Mat002 2Mat047 1Mat092 1Mat143 27,932Mat001 29Mat003 65Mat006 134Mat007 9Mat008 289.5Mat009 22Mat011 18Mat021 160Mat022 10.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 5Mat032 54Mat094 4Mat096 170Mat097 2Mat098 3.5Mat099 78Mat144 39Mat145 4Mat146 35Mat147 10Mat148 6Mat182 6550 FOOD (3,300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 212,000Sys001 5,808PassXP 1,169,910 1,602,530 8.03
Lost Tropical Island 832 23,700Sys001
236,440Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat002 1Mat092 1Mat143 13,940Mat001 29Mat003 26Mat006 337.5Mat007 9Mat008 251.5Mat009 24Mat011 24Mat021 301Mat022 3.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 5Mat032 23Mat033 60Mat094 3.5Mat095 4Mat096 70Mat097 2Mat098 3.5Mat099 126Mat144 36Mat145 5Mat146 35Mat147 10Mat148 6550 FOOD (3,300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 184,000Sys001 6,797PassXP 1,096,253 1,540,393 6.51
Mermaid Realm 658 31,400Sys001
313,880Nrg 7Mat324 1Mat092 1Mat143 24,355Mat001 14.5Mat003 26Mat006 18Mat007 4.5Mat008 20Mat011 12Mat021 65Mat022 15Mat032 48Mat094 14Mat095 2Mat096 80Mat097 4Mat098 7Mat099 102Mat144 48Mat145 13Mat146 35Mat147 10Mat148 9Mat182 6550 FOOD (3,300 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 126,000Sys001 9,997PassXP 1,078,570 1,549,850 4.94
Total 2,640 94,500Sys001
931,630Nrg 25Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 4Mat047 3Mat092 3Mat143 77,371Mat001 101.5Mat003 117Mat006 610.5Mat007 22.5Mat008 657Mat009 94Mat011 58Mat021 664Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 30Mat032 69Mat033 210Mat094 17.5Mat095 16Mat096 380Mat097 10Mat098 14Mat099 426Mat144 159Mat145 28Mat146 137.5Mat147 38Mat148 21Mat182 22550 FOOD (12,100 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 565,000Sys001 27,844PassXP 4,182,096 5,773,226 6.2
Challenge Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
1st Players' Challenge 2020 684 89,000Sys001
889,920Nrg 9Mat324 4Mat047 4Mat092 1Mat143 1Mat197 40,042Mat001 14.5Mat003 78Mat006 380Mat007 13.5Mat008 271Mat009 36Mat011 24Mat021 299Mat022 20Mat032 46Mat033 126Mat094 7Mat095 4Mat096 130Mat097 8Mat098 17.5Mat099 210Mat144 57Mat145 12Mat146 65Mat147 18Mat148 3Mat182 10550 FOOD (5,500 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 545,000Sys001 25,013PassXP 2,366,207 3,890,127 4.37
2nd Players' Challenge 2020 1,019 99,900Sys001
998,010Nrg 9Mat324 6Mat047 4Mat092 1Mat143 1Mat197 51,533Mat001 101.5Mat003 26Mat006 109Mat007 22.5Mat008 384.5Mat009 36Mat011 16Mat021 283Mat022 10Mat032 34.5Mat033 102Mat094 3.5Mat095 4Mat096 100Mat097 4Mat098 14Mat099 180Mat144 69Mat145 20Mat146 65Mat147 18Mat148 15Mat182 16550 FOOD (8,800 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 373,000Sys001 27,680PassXP 2,426,331 3,897,241 3.91
Total 1,703 188,900Sys001
1,887,930Nrg 18Mat324 10Mat047 8Mat092 2Mat143 2Mat197 91,575Mat001 116Mat003 104Mat006 489Mat007 36Mat008 655.5Mat009 72Mat011 40Mat021 582Mat022 30Mat032 80.5Mat033 228Mat094 10.5Mat095 8Mat096 230Mat097 12Mat098 31.5Mat099 390Mat144 126Mat145 32Mat146 130Mat147 36Mat148 18Mat182 26550 FOOD (14,300 TOTAL) 5GenericChild 918,000Sys001 52,693PassXP 4,792,538 7,787,368 4.12
Event Summary
Show/Hide Details
Event Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Players' Event 2020 4,343 283,400Sys001
2,819,560Nrg 43Mat324 1Mat325 3Mat002 14Mat047 11Mat092 5Mat143 2Mat197 168,946Mat001 217.5Mat003 221Mat006 1,099.5Mat007 58.5Mat008 1,312.5Mat009 166Mat011 98Mat021 1,246Mat022 14Mat030 7Mat031 60Mat032 149.5Mat033 438Mat094 28Mat095 24Mat096 610Mat097 22Mat098 45.5Mat099 816Mat144 285Mat145 60Mat146 267.5Mat147 74Mat148 39Mat182 48550 FOOD (26,400 TOTAL) 8GenericChild 1,483,000Sys001 80,537PassXP
Mat001(168,946) Mat003(13,050) Mat006(33,150) Mat007(32,985) Mat008(84,825) Mat009(98,437) Mat011(9,960) Mat021(5,880) Mat022(62,300) Mat032(60,000) Mat033(28,405) Mat047(560,000) Mat092(1,100,000) Mat094(297,840) Mat095(58,800) Mat096(396,000) Mat097(305,000) Mat098(35,200) Mat099(32,305) Mat143(750,000) Mat144(979,200) Mat145(513,000) Mat146(168,000) Mat147(936,250) Mat148(1,850,000) Mat182(35,100) Mat197(360,000)
(Tiles) 2,819,560
+    1,483,000
Quest Reward
Lady Lala And the Mermaid Myth 8,500Mat001 25,500Sys001 750PassXP
Players' Challenges 2020 8,500Mat001 25,500Sys001 800PassXP
Gremlin Guardian 42,500Mat001 127,500Sys001 1,750PassXP
Mermaid Mystery 34,000Mat001 102,000Sys001 1,000PassXP
Final Reward 60,000Sys001 30550 FOOD (16,500 TOTAL) (16,500Nrg) 1Use0027
Achievement (Born to Be a Star)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat324 10,000Sys001 2,500Mat001 1Use0036 1,000PassXP
2 2Mat324 25,000Sys001 5,000Mat001 15Mat145 1,100PassXP
3 2Mat324 50,000Sys001 10,000Mat001 15Mat147 1,200PassXP
4 3Mat324 75,000Sys001 12,500Mat001 1Use0047 1,300PassXP
5 3Mat324 100,000Sys001 15,000Mat001 10Mat002 1,400PassXP
6 4Mat324 150,000Sys001 17,500Mat001 1Tok0032 1,500PassXP
7 5Mat324 200,000Sys001 25,000Mat001 1Mat143 1,800PassXP
8 5Mat324 250,000Sys001 40,000Mat001 30Mat002 2,000PassXP Dec1226
Total 25Mat324
860,000Sys001 127,500Mat001 1Use0036 11,300PassXP 15Mat145 15Mat147 1Use0047 40Mat002 1Tok0032 1Mat143 Dec1226
Treasure (Story Poster Vol.3)
XP Bonus Part Location Event Pass XP
179 185,000Sys001 880 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
881 Pirate King's Island 1,700PassXP
882 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
883 Lost Tropical Island 1,700PassXP
884 Mermaid Realm 1,700PassXP
Event Pass
Level Requirement Regular Row Premium Row
1 3,000PassXP 2,400Nrg Oft013
2 9,500PassXP 15,000Mat001 16,000Nrg
3 16,000PassXP 50,000Sys001 1Tok0032
4 22,500PassXP 10Mat011 32,000 FOOD (6,000 TOTAL) (6,000Nrg)
5 29,000PassXP 12,000 FOOD (2,000 TOTAL) (2,000Nrg) Bld13003
2,200Capacity 2x1
6 35,500PassXP 10Mat021 100Mat002
7 42,000PassXP 4,750Nrg 32,000Nrg
8 48,500PassXP 45,000Mat001 2Tok0032
9 55,000PassXP 200,000Sys001 52,000 FOOD (10,000 TOTAL) (10,000Nrg)
10 61,500PassXP 22,000 FOOD (4,000 TOTAL) (4,000Nrg) Bld13009
2,400Capacity 2x1
11 68,000PassXP 12,750Nrg 250Mat002
12 74,500PassXP 5Mat146 64,000Nrg
13 81,000PassXP 1Mat148 3Tok0032
14 87,500PassXP 1Mat143 102,000 FOOD (20,000 TOTAL) (20,000Nrg)
15 94,000PassXP 20Mat002 Bld13015
470Regeneration 2x2
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
12961 Golden Vizsla 2x1 1 211 211 20 61Mat325
12967 Gremlin Statue 3x1 3 193 193 140 9Mat324 75,000Mat001
12985 Merman Statue 3x1 3 1,800 1,800 140 9Mat324 75,000Mat001
12973 Stone Gremlin 2x1 2 202 202 150 17Mat324 95,000Mat001
12991 Stone Merman 2x1 2 1,890 1,890 150 17Mat324 95,000Mat001
12979 Island Gremlin 2x1 1 209 209 165 32Mat324 125,000Mat001
12997 Bearded Merman 2x1 1 1,960 1,960 165 32Mat324 125,000Mat001
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
0032 Green Ring Tok0032 20 10Mat325
5357 Seashell Cakes 2,000Nrg 140 1Mat324
5363 Super Seashell Cakes 8,000Nrg 140 100Mat002
1220 Mermaid Mic Stand 15,000Sys001 140 1Mat324
5369 Pixel Federation Cookie 2,400Nrg 140 5Mat325
Region 5Greece
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Island of Old Fishermen 453 32,000Sys001
314,120Nrg 5Mat324 1Mat325 2Mat047 16,117.5Mat001 31Mat003 176Mat007 165Mat009 35Mat011 5Mat021 186Mat022 6Mat032 50Mat033 35Mat094 9Mat096 6Mat098 48Mat145 2Mat146 8Mat147 15Mat148 24Mat193 160Mat194 30Mat195 6Mat196 27.5Mat198 2Mat199 4900 FOOD (3,600 TOTAL) 65,500Sys001 5,242PassXP 1,339,558 1,751,178 5.57
Pirate King's Island 697 36,000Sys001
334,560Nrg 6Mat324 1Mat002 2Mat047 2Mat143 41,040Mat001 31Mat003 70Mat006 176Mat007 11Mat008 415.5Mat009 26Mat011 22Mat021 218Mat022 10.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 6Mat032 14Mat094 6Mat096 6Mat098 4.5Mat099 52Mat145 2Mat146 16Mat147 12.5Mat148 27Mat193 104Mat194 85Mat195 4Mat196 25Mat198 5Mat199 6900 FOOD (5,400 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 321,500Sys001 5,808PassXP 1,814,388 2,506,448 7.49
Lost Tropical Island 832 41,000Sys001
405,240Nrg 7Mat324 2Mat002 2Mat092 1Mat197 21,050Mat001 31Mat003 28Mat006 487.5Mat007 11Mat008 356.5Mat009 29Mat011 29Mat021 428Mat022 3.5Mat030 3.5Mat031 6Mat032 25Mat033 21Mat094 4.5Mat095 6Mat096 4.5Mat099 48Mat145 2Mat146 36Mat147 12.5Mat148 30Mat193 168Mat194 35Mat195 5Mat196 12.5