Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Diggy's Adventure Wiki
It's not always easy being the most beautiful woman in the land - just ask Snow White! Save her from retired huntsmen, ask for the hand of a charming prince and put an end to the machinations of the evil queen in the new event. ... And beware of the apples!

Unsegmented Event, First released April 28, 2015


Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Snow White's Castle 460 8,000Sys001 8,108Nrg 3Mat140 1,307.5Mat001 10.5Mat003 4Mat006 130Mat007 2Mat008 27Mat009 9Mat011 10Mat019 27Mat020 14Mat021 99.5Mat022 7.5Mat029 3Mat030 2Mat032 4Mat033 3Mat035 127 FOOD (84 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 1,830Sys001 22,248 40,186 4.96
Forest of the Unwanted 1,066 50,000Sys001 47,381Nrg 8Mat140 2Mat002 13,076Mat001 13.5Mat003 10.5Mat006 282Mat007 6Mat008 56Mat009 66Mat019 24.5Mat020 154.5Mat022 58Mat029 16Mat030 6Mat032 7.5Mat033 210 FOOD (20 TOTAL) 477 FOOD (329 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 21,050Sys001 55,601 174,032 3.67
Fairy Tale Real-Estate 809 57,200Sys001 57,250Nrg 9Mat140 3Mat002 1Mat047 8,674Mat001 21Mat003 6Mat006 166Mat007 12Mat008 18Mat009 42.5Mat019 70.5Mat020 27.5Mat022 70.5Mat029 7.5Mat030 30Mat031 12Mat032 10.5Mat033 6Mat035 1Use0036 1067 FOOD (742 TOTAL) 1GenericChild 13,500Sys001 95,589 223,539 3.9
Dwarven Forest 810 83,000Sys001 82,579Nrg 14Mat140 1Mat047 12,527.2Mat001 39Mat003 31.5Mat006 134Mat007 15.5Mat008 100Mat009 18Mat011 74.5Mat019 52Mat020 45.5Mat021 137Mat022 51Mat029 9Mat030 9.5Mat031 16.5Mat032 44.5Mat033 6Mat035 210 FOOD (25 TOTAL) 160 FOOD (60 TOTAL) 3GenericChild 7,000Sys001 650Nrg 135,057 307,636 3.73
Market Under the Castle 1,160 90,000Sys001 90,192Nrg 16Mat140 1Mat047 7,500.8Mat001 25.5Mat003 31.5Mat006 634.5Mat007 17.5Mat008 30Mat009 10.5Mat011 118Mat019 25Mat021 245Mat022 120.5Mat029 14.5Mat030 16Mat031 17.5Mat032 31.5Mat033 6Mat035 3520 FOOD (700 TOTAL) 857 FOOD (595 TOTAL) 6GenericChild 19,500Sys001 145,791 345,483 3.83
Dwarfyard 796 110,500Sys001 109,544Nrg 19Mat140 4Mat002 1Mat092 4,331.5Mat001 15.5Mat003 8Mat006 211.5Mat007 4Mat008 28Mat009 3Mat011 24Mat019 15Mat020 6Mat021 225.5Mat022 27.5Mat029 32Mat030 32Mat031 3Mat032 18Mat033 3Mat035 827 FOOD (574 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 65,400Sys001 141,292 426,736 3.9
Princely Path 1,612 115,000Sys001 114,971Nrg 23Mat140 14Mat002 1Mat092 13,172.8Mat001 103.5Mat003 74.5Mat006 342Mat007 20Mat008 102Mat009 9Mat011 60.5Mat019 29.5Mat020 13.5Mat021 231.5Mat022 65.3Mat029 16Mat030 16.5Mat031 22.5Mat032 48Mat033 1720 FOOD (340 TOTAL) 757 FOOD (525 TOTAL) 7GenericChild 44,000Sys001 450Nrg 225,723 499,694 4.35
Evil Queen's Tower 1,016 132,000Sys001 136,309Nrg 36Mat140 4Mat002 1Mat092 18,610Mat001 28Mat003 22.5Mat006 188Mat007 20Mat008 41Mat009 15Mat019 68Mat020 214Mat022 64Mat029 5Mat030 16Mat032 16.5Mat033 1317 FOOD (917 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 59,910Sys001 194,305 522,524 3.83
Total 7,729 645,700Sys001 646,334Nrg 128Mat140 27Mat002 3Mat047 3Mat092 79,199.8Mat001 256.5Mat003 188.5Mat006 2,088Mat007 97Mat008 402Mat009 49.5Mat011 410.5Mat019 286.5Mat020 104Mat021 1,334.5Mat022 464.3Mat029 103Mat030 104Mat031 95.5Mat032 180.5Mat033 24Mat035 410 FOOD (45 TOTAL) 160 FOOD (60 TOTAL) 5220 FOOD (1,040 TOTAL) 1Use0036 5387 FOOD (3,766 TOTAL) 25GenericChild 232,190Sys001 1,100Nrg 1,015,605 2,539,829 3.93
Quest Reward
Snow White 300Mat001 500Sys001
Huntsman With a Heart 800Mat001 2,250Sys001
Sublease from a Fairy Tale 1,500Mat001 3,500Sys001
Garden Gnomes 3,000Mat001 5,000Sys001
Giant Preparations For a Dwarf Feast 3,750Mat001 5,500Sys001
Dwarven Banquet 4,500Mat001 6,000Sys001
Reversed Courtship 4,750Mat001 7,000Sys001
Fairest of Them All 5,000Mat001 8,000Sys001
Final Reward 10,000Sys001 1Use0027 10180 FOOD (1,800 TOTAL) (1,800Nrg)
Achievement (Mirror Mirror)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat140 650Sys001 600Mat001 1Use0036
2 3Mat140 800Sys001 900Mat001 1Tok0032
3 6Mat140 1,200Sys001 1,200Mat001 250Mat007
4 9Mat140 2,100Sys001 1,600Mat001 250Mat022
5 11Mat140 3,300Sys001 2,100Mat001 2Use0036
6 13Mat140 5,000Sys001 2,700Mat001 1Mat047
7 17Mat140 7,200Sys001 3,500Mat001 1Mat092
8 20Mat140 10,000Sys001 5,000Mat001 50Mat002 Dec0583
Total 80Mat140
30,250Sys001 17,600Mat001 3Use0036 1Tok0032 250Mat007 250Mat022 1Mat047 1Mat092 50Mat002 Dec0583
Treasure (Seven Dwarfs)
XP Bonus Part Location
072 5,000Sys001 345 Snow White's Castle
346 Fairy Tale Real-Estate
347 Market Under the Castle
348 Princely Path
349 Evil Queen's Tower
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
1591 Flappy 2x1 7 60 60 31 4,200Mat001 8Mat140
1585 Painting of Snow White's Father 2x2 700 350 33 3,200Mat001 10Mat140
1586 Queen's Cauldron 2x1 7 500 500 56 8,200Mat001 13Mat140
1592 Nappy 2x1 7 69 69 66 11,000Mat001 14Mat140
1587 Queen's Crown 3x1 6 650 650 76 15,500Mat001 21Mat140
1593 Mopey 2x1 3 154 154 80 50,000Mat001 120Mat140
1594 Lock 2x1 6 88 88 90 21,500Mat001 28Mat140
1595 Rashful 2x1 6 160 160 96 410Mat002
1588 Painting of Snow White 2x2 6 1,450 725 102 21,800Mat001 41Mat140
1596 Wheezy 2x1 6 99 99 114 24,500Mat001 40Mat140
1589 Queen's Poison 2x1 6 1,220 1,220 123 410Mat002
1590 Painting of the Evil Queen 3x2 3 2,000 1,000 130 54,000Mat001 120Mat140 84Mat047
1597 Lumpy 2x1 4 130 130 138 28,000Mat001 63Mat140 48Mat047
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
0277 Aqua Vitae 180Nrg 20 1Mat140
0585 House of the Seven Dwarfs 2,100Sys001 25 1Mat140


