Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Diggy's Adventure Wiki
Sneferu and friends celebrate New Year in Las Vegas, and they sure had their share of fun! Maybe even a bit too much, since nobody from this rag-tag group of friends can be found now! Nobody remembers what happened, and nobody remembers where anyone is! Luckily, they remembered that, when in need, there's always Diggy to lend a helping hand!

Unsegmented Event, First released January 13, 2015


Repeatable Mines
Name Clear Bonus Cooldown Chance Tiles Energy Cost Average Materials
Orange Garden 1,100Sys001 23 hours
or 15Mat002
40% 20 600Nrg 19.5Mat001 2Mat011 1Mat021 2Mat030 9Mat130
40% 20 600Nrg 19.5Mat001 1Mat011 1Mat021 2Mat022 2Mat030 9Mat130
20% 28 1,144Nrg 24Mat001 2Mat021 2.5Mat029 4Mat030 18Mat130
Pawn Shop 1,000Sys001 23 hours
or 25Mat002
70% 15 890Nrg 80.5Mat001 2Mat003 1Mat006 5Mat007 1Mat033 1Mat131
30% 21 990Nrg 85Mat001 1Mat002 2Mat003 2Mat006 10Mat007 4Mat009 1Mat131
Story Mines
Mine Tiles Clear Bonus Energy Cost Event Rare Normal(Average) Pillar XP Total XP XP/Energy
Pharaoh's Palace 275 4,000Sys001 3,923Nrg 8Mat130 1Mat131 1,277Mat001 3Mat003 4Mat006 30Mat007 4Mat009 2Mat011 2.5Mat019 2.5Mat020 2Mat021 33Mat022 1GenericChild 2,600Sys001 5,272 15,795 4.03
Cabaret Mirage 735 28,000Sys001 27,922Nrg 2Mat130 3Mat131 1Mat047 7,873Mat001 8Mat006 108Mat007 5Mat008 12Mat009 55Mat020 136Mat022 65Mat029 4Mat032 12Mat033 4Mat035 2GenericChild 24,000Sys001 76,983 156,905 5.62
Las Vegas Bank 364 21,000Sys001 20,817Nrg 10Mat130 3Mat131 1Mat047 3,955.6Mat001 15Mat003 40Mat007 13.5Mat008 36.5Mat009 2Mat011 20Mat019 15Mat020 4.5Mat022 15Mat030 15Mat031 6Mat032 6.5Mat033 330 FOOD (90 TOTAL) 430 FOOD (120 TOTAL) 2GenericChild 17,250Sys001 76,848 135,915 6.53
Belaggio Ceremonial Hall 657 60,000Sys001 59,871Nrg 24Mat130 3Mat131 1Mat092 1Mat143 6,293.6Mat001 12Mat003 8Mat006 187Mat007 7.5Mat008 30Mat009 6Mat011 7Mat019 36Mat020 11Mat021 61Mat022 19Mat029 17.5Mat030 20Mat031 11Mat032 6Mat033 8Mat035 2GenericChild 30,650Sys001 296,549 447,070 7.47
Total 2,031 113,000Sys001 112,533Nrg 44Mat130 10Mat131 2Mat047 1Mat092 1Mat143 19,399.2Mat001 30Mat003 20Mat006 365Mat007 26Mat008 82.5Mat009 10Mat011 29.5Mat019 108.5Mat020 13Mat021 234.5Mat022 84Mat029 32.5Mat030 35Mat031 21Mat032 24.5Mat033 12Mat035 330 FOOD (90 TOTAL) 430 FOOD (120 TOTAL) 7GenericChild 74,500Sys001 455,652 755,685 6.72
Quest Reward
Sneferu's Oranges 500Sys001 400Mat001
Pearls of Mrs. Sneferu 1,000Sys001 700Mat001
Casino in Las Vegas 1,750Sys001 1,000Mat001
The White Tiger 3,000Sys001 1,700Mat001
Bank Heist 4,000Sys001 2,400Mat001
Memory Lost 5,000Sys001 3,000Mat001
Final Reward 6,000Sys001 1Use0027
Achievement (Pearl Picker)
Level Collect Reward
1 1Mat131 300Sys001 200Mat001 2120 FOOD (240 TOTAL) (240Nrg)
2 1Mat131 500Sys001 500Mat001 2Use0036
3 2Mat131 900Sys001 900Mat001 2Tok0032
4 2Mat131 1,700Sys001 1,400Mat001 1500 FOOD (500 TOTAL) (500Nrg)
5 3Mat131 3,000Sys001 2,000Mat001 1Mat047
6 3Mat131 4,500Sys001 2,700Mat001 1Use0027
7 4Mat131 6,500Sys001 3,500Mat001 300Mat007 300Mat022
8 4Mat131 9,000Sys001 5,000Mat001 50Mat002 Dec0537
Total 20Mat131
26,400Sys001 16,200Mat001 2120 FOOD (240 TOTAL) (240Nrg) 2Use0036 2Tok0032 1500 FOOD (500 TOTAL) (500Nrg) 1Mat047 1Use0027 300Mat007 300Mat022 50Mat002 Dec0537
Treasure (Las Vegas Sign)
XP Bonus Part Location
066 5,000Sys001 317 Pharaoh's Palace
318 Cabaret Mirage
319 Las Vegas Bank
320 Belaggio Ceremonial Hall
Recipe Produces Ingredients Cook Time
0243 Orange Juice 120Nrg 3Mat130 2Mat030 5 mins
or 5Mat002
0244 Pearl Orange Juice 500Nrg 1Mat131 3Mat130 5 mins
or 5Mat002
Camp Equipment
Name Size Max Regeneration Capacity Per Slot Level Materials Required
1363 Roulette 2x2 110 55 20 500Mat001 4Mat131
1367 Slot Machine - Numbers 2x2 8 570 285 21 2,100Mat001 4Mat131
1366 Wheel of Fortune 2x2 7 600 300 25 5,600Mat001 5Mat131
1364 Poker 2x2 8 118 59 26 3,000Mat001 6Mat131
1369 Chicken Nugget 2x2 3 700 350 28 1,000Mat001 6Mat131
1370 Belaggio 2x2 3 162 81 45 6,500Mat001 10Mat131
1375 Statue of a Small Monkey 2x1 3 85 85 50 7,500Mat001 11Mat131
1371 Pelicano 3x2 3 178 89 52 20,000Mat001 14Mat131
1368 Slot Machine - Fruit 2x2 5 800 400 57 17,500Mat001 9Mat131
1365 Black Jack 2x2 5 150 75 62 11,500Mat001 8Mat131
1373 Statue of Tike Myson 2x1 5 750 750 92 295Mat002
1374 Statue of Whiskers the Tiger 2x1 4 620 620 93 32,000Mat001 10Mat131
1376 Statue of Elvis 2x1 6 120 120 93 295Mat002
1372 Unison Piaza 3x2 3 236 118 100 74,000Mat001 18Mat131
Additional Shop Items
Name Return Level Cost
2646 Juicy Oysters 100Nrg 20 1Mat131
2647 Super Juicy Oysters 1,000Nrg 20 50Mat002
0534 Golden Ferris Wheel 10,000Sys001 50 90Mat002
0535 Golden Eiffel Tower 33,000Sys001 50 50,000Mat001
0536 Golden Pyramid 3,800Sys001 50 1Mat131


